Environmental Monitoring and Testing Products & Reviews


Environmental monitoring and testing uses handheld portable analyzers, kits, spectrometers or chromatography systems for air, water, soil, food and other sample testing. Useful features of analyzers such as BOD and COD include portability, easy calibration, automation and sensitivity.  Environmental test kits for pH, water, moisture, etc, should be accurate, sensitive, reliable, fast and easy to use.

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Environmental Monitoring and Testing
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Agilent Technologies

The Agilent xCELLigence Real-Time Cell Analysis (RTCA) MP instrument uses label-free cellular impedance to continuously monitor cell health, behavior, and function with high accuracy, sensitivity, and reproducibility.  The MP model can host up to six 96-well electronic microplates (E-Plate 96), which can be run in parallel or independently of one another. This multiple plate format is ideal for cell health characterization,…

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Agilent Technologies

The Agilent xCELLigence Real-Time Cell Analysis (RTCA) HT instrument uses label-free cellular impedance to continuously monitor cell health, behavior, and function with high accuracy, sensitivity, and reproducibility. Simply plate cells, add treatments, and begin monitoring cell behavior to obtain real-time kinetic data for assay windows that stretch from seconds to days.  The HT model can run a 384-well electronic micropla…

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ultraWAVE has already revolutionized and enhanced the way analytical chemists think to sample preparation for trace metal analysis in hundreds of laboratories all over the world. ultraWAVE is based on the SRC (Single Reaction Chamber technology), invented by Milestone several years ago ( EP0728038B1 ). SRC technology achieves extraordinary performance capabilities combining microwave heating with a high-pressure reactor which…

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DMA-80 evo


The DMA-80 mercury determination system can analyze any matrix (solid, liquid or gas) without any pre-treatment or chemical additions in as few as 6 minutes in full compliance with EPA method 7473. With thousands of units installed, Milestone defines the benchmark for direct mercury determination a wide range of industries: environmental, food energy, cement, cosmetics, agriculture, mining and petrochemical.

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The new ETHOS™ UP is simply the most advanced yet easy to use system for microwave sample preparation we have ever manufactured. It offers a perfect integration between microwave hardware, user interface, digestion sensors and pressure vessels.  Microwave digestion oven ETHOS UP covers the whole range of samples from routine to high-end applications including US EPA method 3052 for sediments, soils and US EPA method.

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ETHOS X for Extraction of organic pollutants


Microwave-assisted solvent extraction offers superior lab efficiency in the determination of organic pollutants with microwave green extraction technique. Typical applications include chlorinated pesticides, semi-volatile organics, PAHs, PCBs, chlorinated herbicides, phenols, organophosphorus pesticides, dioxins and furans. ETHOS™ X with the fastEX-24 rotor allows the simultaneous extraction of 24 samples in 40 minutes with mi…

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Fusion UV/Persulfate TOC Analyzer

Teledyne Labs

Tekmar's Fusion Total Organic Carbon (TOC) Analyzer offers more flexibility, intelligence and user friendliness making this analyzer ideally suited for the most demanding laboratory needs. The Fusion Analyzer utilizes powerful UV Persulfate oxidation allowing superior carbon liberation from even the most challenging matrixes. By implementing the patent-pending Static Pressure Concentration (SPC) technology, the Fusion Total…

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Lotix Combustion TOC Analyzer

Teledyne Labs

Tekmar's Lotix TOC Combustion analyzer is designed to accurately measure carbon content in aqueous matrices down to the ppb level. It uses proven high temperature combustion, oxidation of carbon material into carbon dioxide, and detection using a new Non-Dispersive Infrared (NDIR) detector. Lotix is the ultimate solution for waste water, drinking and surface water, ground water, sea water, and other hard to oxidize matrices…

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Lumin Purge and Trap Concentrator

Teledyne Labs

Tekmar's Lumin Purge and Trap Concentrator (PTC) is a sample preparation instrument used to remove Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) out of aqueous and solid sample types using Helium or Nitrogen. The VOCs are deposited onto a sorbent trap which is then heated to release the VOCs into a Gas Chromatograph (GC) system. This technique is standard for many EPA Methodologies as well as analytical options where concentration of V…

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Atomx XYZ Automated VOC Sample Prep System

Teledyne Labs

Tekmar's  Atomx Automated Sample Prep System combines an Autosampler and Purge and Trap into a single instrument for the analysis of VOCs in soils and waters. This is the first of its kind and only system that employs a unique methanol extraction automation feature for high level soils in accordance with USEPA Method 5035.   Extractasol clean-up step (patent pending) in the Atomx reduces carryover or cross contamination nor…

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FlowCam 5000

Yokogawa Fluid Imaging Technologies, Inc

Experience rapid high-resolution imaging, data acquisition, and analysis of microparticles. FlowCam® 5000 flow imaging instrument is an economical, high-value solution for monitoring particles in the 3 μm to 300 μm size range for research, educational, and industrial applications.

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FlowCam Cyano

Yokogawa Fluid Imaging Technologies, Inc

FlowCam® Cyano provides an innovative solution for freshwater research and monitoring of drinking water reservoirs and recreational water bodies. A high-throughput, automated alternative to manual microscopy, FlowCam Cyano automatically differentiates between fluorescence-emitting Cyanobacteria and other algae while enabling the early detection of harmful algal blooms.

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Syft Tracer

Syft Technologies

Syft Tracer is the next generation of real-time, trace gas analysis by SIFT-MS that is built to solve the most difficult analytical challenges faced within a variety of industries and applications.  It delivers trace-level detection sensitivity, unparalleled performance stability, and highly reproducible, quantitative data.  Syft Tracer is optimized for high-throughput environments where 24/7 operation is the standard.  

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