Increase Sales by Showing that Customers Love You: SelectScience® Reviews Program

It's easy to collect, show and manage reviews with the no.1 reviews website. Reviews generate 270% more sales leads* and 18% lead conversion to sales**, compared to standard product listings.

Customer reviews are nearly 12x more trusted than descriptions that come from manufacturers***.

Hear from one manufacturer who has increased their conversion rates with SelectScience product reviews: Watch video

Join the Reviews Program today, contact us now.

"SelectScience is the main place I go to, to find reviews for items I am considering purchasing - it has the largest database of products with various reviews. Very hard thing to find in the science field!"

Colleen Brand, Laboratory Manager of the Therapeutic Microbiology Lab

Get Started with our Reviews Toolkit

Easy tools to encourage your customers to review your products today. Use the SelectScience® resources below to find out how to get started.

Easy Steps to Review Generation

The SelectScience Reviews Program is a simple and easy way to collect feedback and reviews from customers. Contact us about the Reviews Toolkit to learn about the benefits of reviews, the different options available to generate reviews, and how you can get started to increase your sales leads. Contact us

Invite Customers to Review by Email

Send the SelectScience® Review Email to your customers and generate instant reviews. Contact us today to receive an HTML or plain text email, customized with your branding and product information, and an optional prize incentive. Contact us

Invite Customers to Review through Flyers

Prompt your customers to review by distributing Review Flyers at exhibitions or in product packaging. Contact us today to request your bespoke flyers. Contact us

Get started today, contact us now

*The Value of Online Customer Reviews, Askalidis & Malthouse, 2016
**Research conducted by Reevoo, 2016
**According to a survey of US internet users by online video review site EXPO (eMarketer, February 2010)