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How to successfully face analytical challenges in fats and oils extractions
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HPLC Made for Tomorrow: Introducing the new Agilent Infinity III LC Series
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Development of an HPTLC method for evaluating vegetable oil adulteration
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Adapting GCxGC for every challenge
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LNP formulation just got sunnier with the Sunny Suite
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An ounce of prevention: How good laboratory practice minimizes GC downtime
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Strategies to address monitoring and compliance testing of PFAS in food
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Do your objectives to go greener in LC seem difficult to achieve?
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GC-MS solutions for sensory analysis in non-alcoholic beers
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Advances and applications of ICP-MS for food and environmental analysis
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4th HPTLC Online User Meeting, hosted by the HPTLC Association
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Quantifying Soy DNA extracts for downstream GMO detection
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