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PATROL UPLC Process Analysis System


Take control of your bottom line – get a better understanding of your process and your product. For the first time, bring automation and UPLC together for direct online connection to your process with Real-TIME LC. The PATROL UPLC Process Analysis System is specifically designed for in-process analysis, delivering simultaneous qualitative and quantitative information and allowing you to dynamically adjust and control your pro…

|2 Reviews

Vion IMS QTof


Vion IMS QTof is a high resolution QTof mass spectrometer that delivers the selectivity of ion mobility to every scientist, for every analysis. Does high resolution, accurate mass data always lead to the correct answer first time? Avoid additional confirmatory experiments by utilizing the selectivity of ion mobility. Featuring new geometry and including XS Ion Optics and the QuanTof2 detection system, the Vion IMS QTof  has…

|6 Reviews