Molecular Rulers
Molecular rulers are DNA standards with precisely defined size intervals between bands (DNA ladders). Bio-Rad provides three types of molecular rulers: standard, EZ Load, and AmpliSize rulers.

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Bio-Rad molecular rulers are DNA standards with precisely defined size intervals between bands (DNA ladders) for simplified estimation of the length of nucleic acids separated on agarose gels. Bio-Rad provides three types of molecular rulers: standard, EZ Load, and AmpliSize rulers. To ensure a precise measurement of the size of your samples, most of these DNA ladders include a visually distinct reference band.
Standard Molecular Rulers
Standard molecular rulers consist of precisely sized DNA and are provided ready for dilution. Each vial contains DNA for 100 applications. The advantages of standard molecular rulers include:
- Visually distinct reference bands
- Five size ranges to select from
- No contaminating plasmid DNA
EZ Load Molecular Rulers
Ready-to-load EZ Load molecular rulers consist of precisely sized DNA blended with loading buffer for added convenience (prediluted to a concentration appropriate for most electrophoresis runs). Each vial contains DNA for 100 applications and includes an additional vial of 5x sample buffer for preparing your own samples. The advantages of EZ Load molecular rulers include:
- No preparation — ready for direct loading on agarose or polyacrylamide gels
- Visually distinct reference bands
- Five size ranges to select from
- No contaminating plasmid DNA
AmpliSize Molecular Ruler
The AmpliSize molecular ruler contains blunt-ended DNA of known sequence at 50% GC content. It has ten bands (at 50, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 700, 1,000, 1,500, and 2,000 bp). Each vial contains DNA for 50 applications.
Product Overview
Products Model Information
100 bp PCR Molecular Ruler
Bio-Rad200 µl, 0.2 µg/µl, DNA standard, 100–3,000 bp, 30 bands in 100 bp increments, 100 applications
EZ Load 20 bp Molecular Ruler
Bio-Rad500 µl, 0.1 µg/µl, ready-to-load DNA standard, 20–1,000 bp, 50 bands, includes 1 ml 5x nucleic acid sample buffer, 100 applications
EZ Load 100 bp Molecular Ruler
Bio-Rad500 µl, 0.05 µg/µl, ready-to-load DNA standard, 100–1,000 bp, 10 bands, includes 1 ml 5x nucleic acid sample buffer, 100 applications
EZ Load 100 bp PCR Molecular Ruler
Bio-Rad500 µl, 0.08 µg/µl, ready-to-load DNA standard, 100–3,000 bp, 30 bands, includes 1 ml 5x nucleic acid sample buffer, 100 applications
EZ Load 500 bp Molecular Ruler
Bio-Rad500 µl, 0.08 µg/µl, ready-to-load DNA standard, 500–8,000 bp, 16 bands, includes 1 ml 5x nucleic acid sample buffer, 100 applications
EZ Load 1 kb Molecular Ruler
Bio-Rad500 µl, 0.08 µg/µl, ready-to-load DNA standard, 1–15 kb, 15 bands, includes 1 ml 5x nucleic acid sample buffer, 100 applications
1 kb Molecular Ruler
Bio-Rad200 µl, 0.2 µg/µl, DNA standard, 1–15 kb, 15 bands in 1 kb increments, 100 applications
AmpliSize Molecular Ruler
Bio-Rad250 µl, 0.1 µg/µl, DNA standard at 50% GC content, 50–2,000 bp, 10 bands, 50 applications
20 bp Molecular Ruler
Bio-Rad250 µl, 0.2 µg/µl, DNA standard, 20–1,000 bp, 50 bands in 20 bp increments, 100 applications
100 bp Molecular Ruler
Bio-Rad250 µl, 0.1 µg/µl, DNA standard, 100–1,000 bp, 10 bands in 100 bp increments, 100 applications
500 bp Molecular Ruler
Bio-Rad200 µl, 0.2 µg/µl, DNA standard, 500–8,000 bp, 16 bands in 500 bp increments, 100 applications