Top tools and new techniques to ensure food quality and fight fraud
Discover the latest advances in food quality testing and authenticity determination
30 Sept 2020

As part of our new special feature, we’ve compiled a list of top resources featuring some of the latest technologies and techniques as well as expert insights to help fight food fraud and ensure food quality. Read on to learn about new workflows to combat foodborne pathogens, compare the PCR methods for Salmonella species detection, and discover tools to optimize safety and quality across every stage of food production.

Targeting salmonella: The emerging technology transforming foodborne detection
Dr. Daniele Sohier discusses how to optimize pathogen detection with state-of-the-art workflows from Thermo Fisher Scientific, enabling rapid, efficient, and reliable Salmonella spp. testing with same-day results for fresh food products.

Sterile filtration technology: Perform quick and easy microbiological analysis
Save your lab time and minimize contamination with the ready-to-use sterile filtration unit from Sartorius, combining a funnel, lid, filter base, membrane filter, and cellulose pad in one simple unit.
Salmonella: Detection in poultry and pork, including PPS, in under 16 hours
Early Salmonella detection and serovar identification helps to safeguard hygiene and reduce contamination risks. Discover how the Thermo Scientific™ RapidFinder™ Multiplex PCR Kit rapidly detects three key targets in as little as 16 hours, saving time and money.

Fraudulent oils: Certify authenticity of edible oils with GC analysis
Fight food fraud with Rxi-65TG columns from Restek, for accurate and reliable analysis of triglycerides without column bleed interference and observation of underivatized mono- and diglycerides.

NIR spectroscopy: Optimize food production, safety and quality
Discover how to improve food production, ensure safety and measure quality with Ocean Insight, by using NIR spectroscopy to streamline your correlations, scan smarter and perform deeper levels of statistical analysis.

Detecting food fraud: Tips for robust experimental results
Investigating the validity of product labeling, supply chain integrity or determining the composition of foods can be a huge challenge. Here, Agilent Technologies presents the latest workflows for identifying food authenticity markers.
Expert insights:
- Dr. Amélia Camarinha-Silva, Hohenheim University, shares how her team is approaching the phylogenetic and functional characterization of the microbial community present in livestock gastrointestinal tracts, from DNA extraction to high-throughput sequencing, and how she came to choose the best DNA extraction technology for this work. Read article>>
- Prof. Chris Elliott, Queen's University Belfast, outlines how his research team is developing fit-for-purpose, reliable, and highly accurate analytical tests to tackle food fraud. Watch interview>>
- Erin Crowley, Q Laboratories, Inc., and Martin Weidmann, Cornell University, explore the impact of Salmonella on the global meat and poultry supply chain.Watch webinar>>
- Dr. Natasha Spadafora, Research Fellow in Food Science, Calabria University, explains how to analyze VOCs to assess food and beverage quality throughout the supply chain.Read webinar highlights>>
Other resources:
- Sartorius provides an overview of the key features of its Nutrient Pad Sets, an attractive alternative to agar plates for economical, time-saving microbiological quality control of water and brewery samples. Watch video>>
- Hear how the Precellys® Evolution from Bertin Instruments is enabling CRO Genclis SAS to extract highly concentrated proteins, recognized by IgE antibodies in allergic patients, from difficult food samples. Watch video>>
- Marcel Bruggeman, CEO of NofaGroup, explains how fast turnaround for dioxin analysis is attracting more customers to NofaLab Laboratories. Watch video>>
- Achieve the separation and analysis of complex food and plant samples in under one minute - without the need for sample preparation. Download method>>
- Discover a new, highly robust LC-IRMS technique for the detection of sugar adulteration in honey. Download method>>
- Learn how morphologically-directed Raman spectroscopy (MDRS) can be used to characterize starch and protein particles of flour products. Download method>>
Top news stories in food quality testing
- Metrohm announces Misa, a portable solution for detecting and identifying food contaminants in seconds. Learn more>>
- Thermo Fisher Scientific launches SureTect PCR Assays for expanded foodborne pathogen analysis. Learn more>>
- PerkinElmer launches gluten quality testing solution for grain and flour, based on the world-standard Perten gluten index method. Learn more>>
Your recommendations:
Take a look at what other researchers and scientists all over the world are saying about the latest equipment and technologies in food analysis. Sunil Singh, from Shimadzu Analytical India, shared his opinion on the Stabilwax® (Fused Silica) by Restek Corp: