Mills, Sieves and Presses Products & Reviews


Mills, sieves and presses are used to break and sort solid materials into smaller particle sizes for further processing such as pellet pressing or analysis. Milling equipment includes grinders, ball mills, cutting mills, jaw crushers, knife mills, beater and planetary mills. Sorting of smaller particulates can be achieved with test sieves and sieve shakers. Final powders can be pressed with hydraulic presses. Milling and pressing solid samples is an important preparation step in X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (XRF) and diffraction (XRD). Find the best mills, sieves and presses in our peer-reviewed product directory: compare products, check customer reviews and receive pricing direct from manufacturers.

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Mini-Pellet Press

Specac Ltd

The Specac Mini-Pellet Press is an entry-level laboratory hydraulic press for the preparation of high-quality 7mm KBr pellets for transmission FTIR analysis. With a rugged and durable design, this press is intended for regular laboratory use with maintenance-free operation. Specac’s Mini-Pellet Press is designed to be used on a laboratory benchtop, but is small in size and light enough in weight to allow it to be moved to d…

|11 Reviews
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Evacuable Pellet Dies

Specac Ltd

Specac manufactures a wide range of high-quality Evacuable Pellet Dies suitable compacting powdered samples into discs or briquettes. These are particularly well suited for the preparation of solid KBr pellets for FTIR molecular spectroscopic analysis and XRF pellets for X-Ray Fluorescence atomic spectroscopic analysis (as required by a number of USLP and ASTM methods), but also find use in a broad range of other applications.…

|39 Reviews

PYREX® 15 mL Dounce Tissue Grinder with two Pestles

Corning Life Sciences

These hand-driven 15 mL PYREX®; tissue grinders are supplied with two pestles to ensure dissociation of cells into fine particles with minimal damage to cell nuclei. Particularly useful in enzyme studies where heat build-up must be avoided. The internal diameter at the bottom of the unground glass tube (mortar) is .6000 inches Use the large clearance A pestle for initial reduction of soft tissue. The diameter of the ground a…

|1 Review

Maxi Grinder

Genomic S.A.

With an average performance of 1.5 kg of grains grinded in less than 2 minutes, the Maxi Grinder is the most efficient, high capacity, high throughput grinder on the market, for dry or wet samples. Fast operation, easy cleaning, no cross contamination. It saves a considerable manpower time and pays for itself within 2 or 3 years maximum.

|2 Reviews

Baincut - LSS

Chennai Metco

The precision section saw is designed for slicing all type of materials with ease. The slow speed cutter is mostly used for accurate sectioning of very small, hard components for R & D.

|1 Review