DNA / RNA Quantification Products & Reviews


Detection and quantification of nucleic acids is important in molecular biology, cloning, expression, forensics and clinical diagnostics. Nucleic acids can be detected by labeling with colorimetric, fluorescent or radio labels and using in situ hybridization kits to identify specific sequences. Multiple nucleic acids can be detected and quantified at once using RNA / DNA detection beads or RNA / DNA microarrays. Find the best DNA / RNA Quantification products in our peer-reviewed product directory: compare products, check customer reviews and receive pricing direct from manufacturers.

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Qubit™ dsDNA BR Assay Kit

Thermo Fisher Scientific

The Qubit dsDNA broad range assay kit is designed specifically for use with the Qubit Fluorometer. The assay is highly selective for double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) over RNA and is designed to be accurate for initial sample concentration from 100 pg/µl–1,000 ng/µl.

|2 Reviews

DNA Analysis ScreenTape

Agilent Technologies

DNA ScreenTape analysis provides a fast, automated, and flexible DNA electrophoresis solution for sample quality control, e.g in next-generation sequencing workflows. The DNA ScreenTape assays can separate DNA fragments and libraries up to 5000 base pairs in 1-2 minutes/sample.

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4200 TapeStation Instrument

Agilent Technologies

The Agilent 4200 TapeStation system is an established automated electrophoresis tool for DNA and RNA sample quality control. Fully automated sample processing enables the unattended analysis of size, concentration and integrity. Choose any sample number between 1 and 96 and analyze at constant cost per sample.

|18 Reviews
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PowerPlex® Fusion System

Promega Corp.

The PowerPlex® Fusion System is a 24-locus multiplex for human identification applications including forensic analysis, relationship testing and research use.   The PowerPlex® Fusion System provides all of the materials needed for co-amplification and five-color fluorescent detection of 24 loci (23 STR loci and Amelogenin), including the CODIS core loci and the European Standard Set (ESS) loci. With 24 loci, the sys…

|2 Reviews

TaqMan Gene Expression Assays

Thermo Fisher Scientific

TaqMan® Gene Expression Assays are a comprehensive collection of over 1,000,000 probe and primer sets for quantitative gene expression analysis of 13 species including human, mouse, rat, Arabidopsis, Drosophila, and C. elegans genes. These assays let you quickly, easily, and affordably perform precise gene expression studies using real-time PCR. TaqMan®-based assays provide unmatched sensitivity, specificity, and reproducibi…

|14 Reviews

KAPA DNA Ladders

Kapa Biosystems, Inc.

The KAPA Express Ladder and KAPA Universal Ladder Kits are designed for determining the approximate size and quantity of double-stranded DNA on an agarose gel. All kits are supplied with KAPA Loading Dye (6X) for direct loading onto agarose gels.   Features: KAPA Express Ladder Kits 100, 200, 400, 800, 1600, 4000, and 8000 bp DNA fragments One reference band (1600) for orientation Concentration: 50 ng/µL…

|1 Review

MagPlex® Multiplexing Microspheres


xMAP® Technology uses color-coded microspheres to detect up to 500 protien or oligonucleotide analytes from a single aliquot of sample in a single reaction well, enabling you to generate more data while saving sample, time, and reagents. Depending on your targets and the application, there are five different microsphere types to select from to produce the best experimental results. MagPlex® are magnetic carboxylated polysty…

|1 Review


STRmix Ltd

STRmix is sophisticated forensic software used to resolve mixed DNA profiles previously considered too complex to interpret.

|1 Review

CUTANA™ pAG-MNase for ChIC/CUT&RUN Workflows - 50 rxns


Recombinantly produced in E. coli, CUTANA™ pAG-MNase for ChIC/CUT&RUN Workflows is a fusion of Proteins A and G to Micrococcal Nuclease. This construct is useful in performing Chromatin Immunocleavage (ChIC) and Cleavage Under Targets and Release Using Nuclease (CUT&RUN). CUTANA™ pAG-MNase contains a C-terminal 6xHis epitope tag. CUTANA™ pAG-MNase for ChIC/CUT&RUN Workflows Formulation: CUTANA™ pAG-MNase is provided as a 20…

|1 Review

Applied Biosystems SeqStudio Genetic Analyzer

Thermo Fisher Scientific

The new Applied Biosystems SeqStudio Genetic Analyzer is a low-throughput, easy-to-use, and convenient benchtop system that delivers gold-standard Sanger sequencing technology and fragment analysis with just a simple click. It is easily used across a broad range of applications as well as by multiple users. Without complex setup, you will be ready to go in minutes.

|1 Review