Cell / Tissue Culture Products & Reviews


Cell culture or tissue culture is used to study the biology of cells or tissues and to isolate cellular products in an environment which can be manipulated and well defined. Accurately control your culture environment with bioreactors or culture incubators, bind your cells to a surface or together with an extracellular matrix. Distinguish cell types with differential media or proliferate cells with certain characteristics using selective media. Enrich your media with supplements such as growth factors, sera and vitamins. Find the best cell and tissue culture products, kits and equipment in our peer-reviewed product directory: compare products, check customer reviews and receive pricing direct from manufacturers.

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MEDIAJET - Petri Dish Filler

INTEGRA Biosciences

MEDIAJET – Reliable walk-away media dispensing system The MEDIAJET media filling system offers the unique flexibility to fill Petri dishes as well as test tubes of various sizes. The compact MEDIAJET provides truly reliable, walk-away operation. The dish guidance system is monitored throughout the filling process. Operational downtime due to 'dish jams' resulting from variations of the Petri dishes is completely eliminated.…

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VACUSAFE - Vacuum Aspiration System

INTEGRA Biosciences

VACUSAFE – Safe aspiration of liquid waste Laboratory vacuum pumps are commonly used to aspirate liquids such as media from cell cultures or supernatants after centrifugation. Protecting the operator and equipment from contamination by an overflow trap and filter is good laboratory practice when disposing biological, chemical or radioactive liquid waste. The VACUSAFE combines vacuum pump, collection bottle, overflow protectio…

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N-2 Supplement (100X)

Agilent Technologies

N-2 Supplement is a chemically-defined, serum-free supplement based on Bottenstein’s N-1 formulation. It is recommended for growth and expression of neuroblastomas as well as post-mitotic neurons in primary cultures from both the peripheral nervous system and the central nervous system. N-2 Supplement is provided as a 100X concentrate and is intended for use with Neurobasal Medium supplemented with growth factors such as bFGF…

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908 Devices

At-line cell culture media analysis. Results on 30+ components in under 10 minutes. When and where is your call. With the REBEL, now is always on the table.

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Lux3 BR brightfield live cell imager

Axion BioSystems

Lux3 BR is a small brightfield live-cell imager, equipped with a high-quality 6.4 MP CMOS camera. It is designed to work inside a standard cell culture incubator without disturbing temperature, airflow, and optimum culture conditions. Detailed brightfield images can be captured using the new device. In both x- and y-direction, 2072 pixels combined with 1.45 mm field of view provide a resolution of 0.7 µm/pixel. 

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Omni FL

Axion BioSystems

The Omni FL is a fluorescence (green and red) and brightfield microscope designed to image live cells directly inside a cell culture incubator. The device can be used for continuous cell culture monitoring, as well as endpoint assays. Applications: cell viability, transfection efficiency, co-culture analysis, and more.

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  • Best New Life Sciences Product of the Year
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Cellvento™ CHO Cell Culture Media

Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany

Chemically defined cell culture mediums. With the introduction of Cellvento™ CHO media and Cellvento™ Feed products, Merck Millipore offers you chemically defined, non-animal origin media formulations for batch and fed-batch mode operations. The media and feeds are specially designed for consistent, high performance results in Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) cells in suspension for the expression of antibodies or recombinant prot…

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BIOFLOAT™ Spheroid Culture


The new BIOFLOAT™ cell culture surface for spheroid culture features a high-grade anti-adhesive property. This makes it possible for the cultivated cells to form primarily cell-cell contacts without adhering to the surface of the vessel. BIOFLOAT™ thus makes it possible for you to produce perfect spheroids quickly and reproducibly. 

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The CELLINK BIO X 3D Bioprinter is the most userfriendly yet high quality, cost-effective bioprinting platform in the world. The system provides our patented Clean Chamber Technology, exchangable heated and cooled print heads to offer pneumatic extrusion, ink-jet extrusion, thermo plastic extrusion, and even syringe based extrusion all in one system., and a user-friendly software that guides the user throughout the printing pr…

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Robust and reliable, the INKREDIBLE+ 3D Bioprinter is the only true benchtop bioprinter on the market for beginners that want to get started with bioprinting at an affordable price. The newly optimized benchtop bioprinter is perfect for the ultimate bioprinting of human tissues and tissue models for 3D culture in today’s ever more advanced research applications. With the INKREDIBLE 3D Bioprinter on your lab, you’ll see a dram…

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Lumen X, powered by Volumetric, offers high resolution, high throughput and high fidelity – enhancing applications in microfluidics, cell-laden hydrogels, macroporous structures and more.

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