MATERIALS UPDATE: Technologies Enhancing the Metals and Mining Industry

25 Jul 2018
Lui Terry
Administrator / Office Personnel

Mining, analysis and production of metals require a broad range of instrumentation and technology to ensure quality control and analysis of raw materials. In this Materials Update article, SelectScience® brings together all the latest news, application notes and videos in the metals and mining community.

Pouring molten metal
In the News – The Latest in Metals & Mining   RARE EARTH METALS: A New Discovery Could Change Japan's Policies on Natural Resource Management Rare earth elements are crucial to electronics and renewable energy technologies, for example, hybrid vehicles, rechargeable batteries, wind turbines, and light-emitting diodes, as well as medical technologies. Recently, researchers at Waseda University made a finding that indicates Japan's global independence for rare earth resources. Learn more here: New Discovery Hints at Japan’s Global Independence for Mineral Resources >>   REDUCED TIMESCALES: 3D X-ray Imaging for Your Metal and Geological Samples Just Got Faster  A new module for the ZEISS Xradia Versa 500-series 3D X-ray microscopes (XRM) allows users to acquire high-quality images in one-quarter of the time. This technology opens the door to 3D X-ray imaging, or computed tomography, for both a wider range of industrial applications and the examination of in situ processes occurring at previously inaccessible timescales. Find out more here: Iterative Reconstruction of Tomographic Images with ZEISS OptiRecon >>   BENCHTOP WDXRF: Analytical Precision and Quality Control for Minerals, Mining, Petrochemistry and Cement Samples High analytical precision elemental analysis of minerals and metals is important in valuation and processing of the materials. Recently, Bruker announced the launch of the new S6 JAGUARTM, an exceptionally powerful and versatile benchtop wavelength dispersive X-ray fluorescence (WDXRF) spectrometer, closing the gap between floor-standing WDXRF and benchtop EDXRF instruments. Discover how this rapid and powerful benchtop WDXRF could enhance both academic and industrial laboratories here: Bruker Launches the S6 JAGUAR Benchtop WDXRF System for Elemental Analysis in Industry and Academia >>   In the Lab – Application Notes and Methods   METALLOGRAPHY: All-Inclusive Solutions for Steel and Other Metals  Crystallography, tomography, dimensional measurements, innate chemistry and processing parameters are five key areas of interest for the metallurgist. In this application note, discover ZEISS Microscopy's multi-modal characterization and advanced analysis portfolio of light, X-ray and electron microscopes, capable of solving both routine and advanced research and development problems of the metal industries: ZEISS Microscopy Solutions for Steel and Other Metals >>   IRON ORE CHARACTERIZATION: Rapid Quantitative Phase Analysis Instrumentation  X-ray diffraction exposes mineral composition, content as well as information on the chemical environment of iron and its oxidation – both important parameters in reducing the cost of iron production. In this application note by Bruker AXS, the capabilities of D8 ENDEAVOUR is trialled against six iron ore standard samples from Western Australia. Read more here: Characterization and Quantification of Australian Iron Ore and Gangue Mineral >>   MINING AUTOMATION: Reduce Your Costs, Increase Your Productivity Lower commodity prices, weaker demand, environmental regulations, lower ore grades and higher running costs are only some of the main challenges the mining industry has to deal with on a daily basis. Adopting sustainable cost control measures beyond the traditional is necessary to generate data that will improve productivity and process stability. Find out how automation could help you in this white paper by Malvern Panalytical: Mining Automation - Digging Deeper into Cash Cost Reduction and Productivity >>   At Your Desk – Videos for Your Coffee Break   FLUORESCING MINERAL CAPITAL OF THE WORLD: How Portable Raman is Revitalizing Geological Science The Sterling Hill Mining Museum in Ogdensburg, NJ, USA, is recognized as the fluorescing mineral capital of the world. Some minerals found in this mine are found nowhere else on the planet. In this video, president Bill Kroth and resident geologist Earl Verbeek talk about implementing B&W Tek's i-Raman plus portable Raman spectroscopy system to identify and verify the minerals they find at this location. View the video here: Mineral Identification with Portable Raman at The Sterling Hill Mining Museum >>      Receive more great content like this straight to your inbox, become a member for free today!

