Nine Editorial Highlights of 2014 for Materials Scientists
31 Dec 2014
Lois Manton-O'Byrne, PhD
Executive Editor
Discover the 2014 Editorial Highlights of Material Sciences, such the successful landing on a comet and material investigations that could lead to understanding the origin of life. In other news, learn about the top FT-IR instruments - as reviewed by you, and read our exclusive webinar highlights describing how APC technology can you help you improve your polymer analysis.
- Material Analysis of Comet may Reveal Secrets of the Big Bang
- Polymer Analysis Applications from Waters
- HORIBA Partica LA-960 Laser Scattering Particle Size Distribution Analyzer
- Advanced GPC Technology as a Part of Solving Complex Polymer Problems: Exclusive Webinar Highlights
- Ten Ways to Opitmize Rheology to Increase Dispersion, Colloidal and Emulsion Stability by Malvern Instruments
- Determination of Rare Earth Elements in Electronic Waste Using ICP-OES
- Characterizing Graphene with Thermo Scientific's Raman Spectroscopy
- The Empyrean X-Ray Diffractometer from PANalytical
- Exclusive Interview: Prof Matthew Hall Reveals How Glass Could Change the Landscape of Energy Consumption– Part 1