Latest Advances in Cell-Based Assays: SelectScience Special Feature
From rapid multiplexed analysis, 3D organoid imaging software, and automated plate processing, discover the top technologies, techniques and best practices for cell-based assay research
2 Oct 2019

Rapidly generate results, not just data
The Intellicyt iQue3 from Sartorius is designed to be a comprehensive solution for the multiplexed analysis of cells and beads. This advanced flow cytometry platform promises rapid setup, analysis, and sample acquisition, plus a newly integrated Enhanced Rinse Station. Whether you are identifying a new drug candidate, screening for specific antibody clones, characterizing T cells, or developing the latest immunotherapy, get the answers to your research questions now.
Top tips for troubleshooting your cell culture

Cell culture is a fundamental technique for labs worldwide in a variety of fields. However, researchers can still fall prey to the same cell culture challenges, including:
- Cell death
- Poor growth
- Misidentified cell lines
- Contamination
- Cells clumping together
- Cell detachment
Discover how to prevent and manage these undesirable conditions in your cell culture and explore a range of high-quality products including Fetal Bovine Serum from MilliporeSigma in this helpful guide.
Cell-based assays for drug development
Spheroid assays
It is becoming increasingly apparent that 3D models recapitulate the in vivo cell environment better than traditional 2D methodologies. Accordingly, more 3D models such as spheroids are being utilized for drug discovery. Discover a robust and affordable method for seeding, dosing, and assaying spheroids using spheroid microplates and INTEGRA Biosciences’ liquid handling instruments: the VIAFILL and VIAFLO 384.

Organoid imaging
Patient-derived organoids (PDOs) are one of the most powerful tools for predicting patient drug reactivity. Download this white paper to find out how the NoviSight™ 3D software from Olympus can perform quantitative analysis of PDOs, evaluating their morphology and pharmacological responses, using images captured by Olympus' FLUOVIEW® FV3000 confocal laser scanning microscope.

Cell viability
It's necessary to test how new therapeutic drugs impact cell viability at an early stage of the development process. In this application note from PromoCell, explore the cytotoxic and cytostatic effects of drug treatment on a variety of primary human cell types and find out how these clinically-relevant effects can be monitored with high throughput-suitable cell-based assays that can closely reproduce in vivo physiological conditions.
Genotoxicity assays
The combination of the ToxTracker ACE assay and MACSQuant X flow cytometer from Miltenyi Biotec is designed to enable the generation of high-quality, reliable results that are required for compound screening and safety studies in the field of drug discovery and development. Find out how to get high-throughput, multiplexed data that gives you mechanistic insight into the toxicity potential of your compound in this application note.
Automation and optimization for your cell-based assays

Optimized cell counting
The Corning® Cell Counter is an automated benchtop cell counter that combines the benefits of manual cell counting with automated image-based cell counting. This cell counter from Corning has recently been updated to include two new features: histogram gating and Trypan blue dilution selection, with automatic correction of cell concentration(s). Find out more about these two new features below:
Ergonomic pipetting
For even more assurance in your cell-based assay research, see how the Corning Lambda™ EliteTouch™ Pipettors are engineered to provide the highest levels of ergonomics, accuracy, and precision.

Automatic incubation
Incubation in a controlled environment is one of the key steps in automated cell culture processes. To find out how the INHECO SCILA (SiLA-based cell incubator for lab automation) is designed for seamless integration with various liquid-handling platforms to enable automated incubation and processing of cell-based assays, download this application note from INHECO GmbH.
Fluorescent assays
Fluorescent dyes have long been used to monitor intracellular Ca2+ levels in living cells by fluorescent imaging. In this application note, discover how BMG Labtech has adapted such protocols for use in a 96-well plate format in the CLARIOstar® plate reader. Here, Cal-520AM fluorescent dye is shown to have minimal leakage which makes it useful for mid/high-throughput analysis of intracellular Ca2+ levels in living cells.
Related resources
Editorial articles:
- How scientists at Scripps Research target global medical breakthroughs with ultra-high-throughput screening
- Organoids, disease models and 3D printing: The challenges and opportunities for 3D cell culture
Free webinars:
- Sample preparation and cell isolation for multiplexed, single-cell sequencing analysis
- Never miss a critical biological event with improved whole-well imaging
How-to-buy eBooks:
Application notes:
- Choosing the correct assay plates
- Kinetic proliferation assay using label-free cell counting
- Automated label-free method for measuring cell migration in real time
- Evaluation of HoloMonitor M4 cell motility applications as compared to standard methods
Explore scientific innovation on The Scientists’ Channel
Find out the latest in cell culture from leading scientists in these video interviews:
- Dr. SM Hossein Sadrzadeh – Predicting the progression of autoimmune disorders – insights into Graves’ disease
- Dr. Gary Allenby – Novel technology improving physiological 3D cell culture-based assays