Protein Expression Products & Reviews


Protein expression is the utilization of cell machinery for the synthesis of proteins and has become a critical tool in biotherapeutic, genomic, and proteomic research. Produce recombinant proteins with expression vectors in combination with a host cell suitable for high-level protein expression. For production of toxic proteins, consider cell-free expression vectors. Create and monitor post-translational modifications with protein modification kits. Find the best protein expression products in our peer-reviewed product directory: compare products, check customer reviews and receive pricing direct from manufacturers.

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PEAKS Studio

Bioinformatics Solutions Inc.

A fully functional desktop-based proteomics workbench, PEAKS Studio offers a complete proteomics software. Users are able to perform de novo sequencing, protein identification (PEAKS DB), multi-engine protein identification (PEAKS inChorus), PEAKS PTM, Sequence Homology Searching (SPIDER) and Quantification (as an optional node).Tools: Load and Process (RAW) Instrument Data De Novo Sequencing Protein Database Search E…

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BIA Separations

CIMmultus ™ is the new and improved line of pre-packed chromatographic monolithic columns distinguished by large flow-through channels, designed for working with large proteins (IgG, IgM, PEGylated proteins), viruses (AAV, adenovirus, lentivirus, influenza, bacteriophages), VLPs and pDNA.

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Superdex 75 increase size exclusion chromatography


Superdex™ 75 Increase 10/300 GL, 5/150 GL, and 3.2/300 are prepacked columns for versatile use in size exclusion chromatography applications. The columns are intended for use in preparative purification as well as for characterization and analysis of proteins with molecular weights between Mr 3000 and 70 000, such as recombinant tagged proteins.

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Affinity CBP Fusion Detection Kit

Agilent Technologies

The Affinity protein expression and purification system provides a simple, gentle and effective method for high-level protein expression and purification. The complete system includes pCAL expression vectors containing a calmodulin-binding peptide tag and calmodulin affinity resin (available separately).

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ProteinCenter™ Data Interpretation Software

Thermo Fisher Scientific

ProteinCenter™ is a web-based data interpretation tool that enables scientists to compare and interpret data sets in minutes instead of months ProteinCenter is a web-based tool that enables scientists to compare and interpret proteomics data sets in minutes and overcomes the hurdle of proteins existing under different names and accession keys in different databases. Regularly updated from all major protein databases, ProteinC…

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CLC Protein Workbench Software

CLC bio

Protein Analysis Software - the Next GenerationCLC Protein Workbench creates a software environment enabling users to make a large number of advanced protein sequence analyses, combined with smooth data management, and excellent graphical viewing and output options. Protein Workbench sets new standards for bioinformatics software with its overall graphical display, usability driven and user-friendly interface, while featuring…

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