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BIOHIT HealthCare Ltd (UK)



Infliximab Total Anti-drug ELISA (IDKmonitor®)

BIOHIT HealthCare Ltd (UK)

Determination of total anti-infliximab antibodies Infliximab is a recombinant protein used to treat inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). The protein can induce humoral immune responses and lead to anti-drug antibody formation, a major cause of loss of drug response. IDKmonitor Infliximab Total Anti-drug ELISA kit is a ‘drug tolerant’ assay that enables the detection of anti-drug antibodies in the presence of circulating drug.

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Adalimumab Total Anti-drug ELISA (IDKmonitor®)

BIOHIT HealthCare Ltd (UK)

Determination of total anti-adalimumab antibodies Adalimumab is a recombinant protein used to treat inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). This protein can induce humoral immune responses and lead to anti-drug antibody formation, a major cause of loss of drug response. The IDKmonitor Adalimumab Total Anti-drug ELISA kit is a ‘drug tolerant’ assay that enables the detection of anti-drug antibodies in the presence of circulating dru…

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