Wizard® Plus Megapreps DNA Purification System
Wizard® Plus Megapreps DNA Purification System provides a simple and rapid method for large-scale purifications of plasmid DNA that eliminates the need for cesium chloride:ethidium bromide gradient centrifugation. Use of this system requires only a centrifuge, a vacuum source and a vacuum manifold. The system yields greater than one milligram of high-copy-number plasmid DNA (200–20,000bp) from a 1,000ml culture in less than th…

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Wizard® Plus Megapreps DNA Purification System provides a simple and rapid method for large-scale purifications of plasmid DNA that eliminates the need for cesium chloride:ethidium bromide gradient centrifugation. Use of this system requires only a centrifuge, a vacuum source and a vacuum manifold. The system yields greater than one milligram of high-copy-number plasmid DNA (200–20,000bp) from a 1,000ml culture in less than three hours.
- Fast: Rapid batch binding and column washing method used for DNA isolation
- Safe: Eliminates the need for cesium chloride:ethidium bromide gradient centrifugation and does not require organic extractions.
- Reliable: Yields plasmid DNA of comparable quantity and quality to cesium chloride:ethidium bromide gradient techniques that are much more time- and labor-intensive.
- Yield: Each megaprep produces >1mg of DNA from 1,000ml of bacterial culture when using a high-copy-number plasmid.
- Quality: DNA is suitable for restriction enzyme digestions, automated fluorescent DNA sequencing, transformation and subcloning.