How-to-buy eBookLife Sciences

How to Buy DNA/RNA Purification and Quantification Technology

25 Apr 2022
Tom Casburn
Associate Editor

This new SelectScience® eBook aims to provide you with useful resources, expert insight, and application-based case studies to help simplify your choice when it comes to choosing the best DNA/RNA purification and quantification technology for your applications.

Choose the best DNA/RNA purification and analysis technology

How to buy DNA and RNA purification and quantification technology

Cell purification and quantification of DNA and RNA are essential for key downstream applications in life sciences, clinical diagnostics, forensics and drug discovery research.

Download the exclusive SelectScience How to Buy eBook to find out more about:

  • Key considerations on sample source, downstream applications and sample quantity

  • DNA purification, including common procedures and DNA extraction technologies

  • RNA purification

  • Nucleic acid quantification - gel electrophoresis, spectrophotometry and PCR

  • Applications of extracted DNA and RNA

  • Current and future trends

