6 top technology news stories from ASMS Reboot 2020

The latest news and technological advancements from this year’s American Society for Mass Spectrometry conference

11 Jun 2020
Tom Casburn
Associate Editor

ASMS Reboot, this year’s interactive, online version of the annual conference of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, brought scientific and industry leaders from around the world together virtually to showcase the latest technological innovations, applications and workflows in mass spectrometry.

Speakers at the event covered topics from Mars exploration to Dinosaur discovery, while manufacturers displayed their latest products in virtual booths and presented livestream webinars on the emerging applications of mass spectrometry across Life Sciences to Material Science and Environment to Earth Sciences.

In this news roundup, learn about the top technology news stories from manufacturers at the show and click on the headlines to learn more.

Bruker introduces breakthrough MALDI-2 source on timsTOF fleX to increase small molecule sensitivity by one or two orders of magnitude

SCIEX presents Echo MS System, an ultra-high sample throughput system able to screen up to 3 samples per second

MOBILion Systems unveils novel SLIM-based ion mobility separations technology

Thermo Scientific launches the Orbitrap Exploris 120 mass spectrometer to improve productivity in small molecule characterization, identification, quantitation, and peptide mapping applications

Thermo Scientific expands its Orbitrap Exploris platform with the Orbitrap Exploris 240 mass spectrometer to deliver mass accuracy, sensitivity and resolving power across a range of small- to large-molecule applications

Agilent announces new mass spectrometry products, the Agilent 6470B Triple Quadrupole LC/MS (6470 LC/TQ) system, and the Agilent RapidFire 400 system, to address the needs of the pharma, biopharma, food, environmental, and life science markets

Which mass spectrometer do you use in your laboratory? Write a review and share your experience for a chance to win a $400 Amazon voucher.

