World-class speaker lineup announced for Virtual Neuroscience Summit 2020
Join thousands of scientists from around the world as they come together online to discuss the hottest topics and latest technology solutions in the field
28 Sept 2020
The first tranche of top speakers has been announced for the new SelectScience® Virtual Neuroscience Summit, launching on November 17, 2020.
From the latest techniques in neuroscience research to neurological disease, neurodegeneration, analytical neurochemistry and more, the free-to-attend Virtual Summit will offer an interactive forum for scientists and scientific manufacturers to connect and share knowledge and solutions at this critical time.
The event will be promoted to around 400k+ scientists and lab directors globally and feature presentations by leading neuroscientists and technology providers, live Q&As, virtual booths and resource hubs, networking sessions, 1-on-1 chat facilities and more.
Editor-in-Chief and Publisher, Kerry Parker, said: “We are hosting this Virtual Summit to support the industry and ensure communication and collaboration continues to flourish at this challenging time."
Headline topics will include understanding pain, memory and emergent behaviors, 3D brain modeling, Alzheimer’s disease, the latest imaging technology for neuroscience and more. We are delighted to announce our first confirmed speakers, with more being announced shortly.
- Keynote speaker: Prof. Jonathan Sweedler, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Keynote speaker: Dr. Omer Bayraktar, Wellcome Sanger Institute
- Prof. Anastas Popratiloff, The George Washington University,
- Dr. Min Tang-Schomer the Jackson Laboratory & Connecticut Children's Medical Center
- Dr. Dayne Beccano-Kelly, University of Oxford
- Dr. Shakil Awan, University of Plymouth
- Dr. Naomi Habib, University of Jerusalem
- Dr. Andreas Langer, NanoTemper Technologies
- Susana Alcantara, Sartorius
- More eminent speakers are being announced imminently
Why attend?
- Keep up with cutting-edge research from expert speakers
- Learn about the latest technology launches
- Ask the experts - live Q&As with manufacturers and scientists
- Collect a ‘swag bag’ of application notes, posters, technical papers and more
- Network with scientists, globally
Free early-bird registration will open on October 14 – watch this space for further updates and follow our social media channels: Facebook LinkedIn Twitter
This is the latest in the series of SelectScience Virtual Summits following the successful Analytical, Cancer and Immunology Research, and Clinical Chemistry events and will be followed by the Virtual Biopharmaceutical Summit in December.
Catch up on the latest techniques and technologies and play your part in improving science communication by leaving a lab product review for a chance to win a $400 Amazon Gift Card.
Spread the word using #NeuroscienceSummit
Manufacturers should contact today for further information on how to participate.