Cancer Research Video Highlights: Our Top Interviews from AACR 2019
We look back at the 2019 American Association for Cancer Research (AACR) annual meeting and the technology set to propel cancer research
15 May 2019

1. Power-Up Your Antibody Discovery Workflows
Dr. John O'Rouke explains how to acquire and achieve high-content analysis of multiplexed assays with the Intellicyt® iQue Screener PLUS from Sartorius, and save time, resources and costs across your antibody discovery workflows.
2. Characterizing the Biomolecular Signatures of Cancer
In this video, Dr. Andrew Peck introduces the suite of analytical technologies for characterizing biomolecular signatures of cancer from Waters Corporation. From desorption electrospray ionization (DESI) for mass spectrometry imaging to discovery and targeted omics, accelerate your oncology research with the wide range of analytical technologies available to enhance your capabilities.
3. Real-Time Analysis of Cell Heterogeneity
In this poster presentation, Dr. Hinnah Campwala explains how to achieve automated image capture of heterogeneric cellular populations in real time with the IncuCyte® Live-Cell Analysis System by Sartorius, and its powerful new Cell-by-Cell Analysis application.
4. Introducing the OrganoPlate® Graft
MIMETAS co-founder and CEO, Dr. Jos Joore, explains how the OrganoPlate® organ-on-a-chip device, a microfluidic 3D cell culture plate for complex disease modeling, can accelerate drug discovery. With an exciting addition to the MIMETAS portfolio, this video also introduces the new OrganoPlate® Graft, the first in vitro cell culture technique for vascularization of 3D tissues.
5. Mass Spectrometric Imaging For Mapping Oncological Therapies
In this video, discover how the spatial distribution of oncological therapies can be characterized using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometric imaging (MALDI MSI) technology. Using the mimetic model protocol and the MALDI SYNAPT G2-Si high definition mass spectrometer from Waters Corporation, Dr. Bindesh Shrestha demonstrates the semi-quantification of the chemotherapy drug, doxorubicin.
6. AACR President Sets The Bar High For Future of Cancer Research
SelectScience speaks to Elaine Mardis, Ph.D., 2019-2020 president of the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR), during the AACR Annual Meeting 2019 in Atlanta. She discusses her history with the organization, her vision for her presidency, and what she and program committee chair Antoni Ribas, MD, Ph.D., are planning for next year’s AACR annual meeting.
7. AACR 2019 - Highlights From the President
SelectScience speaks with Dr. Elizabeth Jaffee, MD, 2018-2019 president of the American Association for Cancer Research (AACR), during the AACR Annual Meeting 2019 in Atlanta. She discusses the scope of the conference, the exciting new content and structure of this year’s meeting, and its special focus on convergence science and its impact on cancer research.
These interviews were filmed as part of our coverage of AACR 2019. For more from the conference, see our AACR special feature page.