7 upcoming webinars to support your research
Discover insights on topics from lab automation to immuno-oncology, DNA printing technology, toxicology, and more
28 Oct 2021

SelectScience® hosts dozens of informative and insightful free webinars for scientists every month, featuring world-class speakers at the very forefront of their respective fields. In this regular feature, we highlight the events you won't want to miss over the next week or so, as well as some of our top on-demand webinars.
Register now to save your spot and gain insights from experts as they discuss the latest research and cutting-edge techniques and technologies in their fields, from tips on automated liquid handling and a benchtop enzymatic DNA printer that can accelerate your research, to multiplex immunohistochemistry to characterize the tumor microenvironment, how to make diagnostic microbiome analysis accessible, and more.
HIGH-CONTENT TECHNOLOGY: Harness the power of 3D models in cancer research
In this first instalment of the Thermo Scientific 2021 high-content screening technology expert seminar series, hear from Nicholas Radio, global product manager of high-content screening at Thermo Fisher Scientific. Register now for insights into 3D model use in cancer research and discover how to advance your assay development and high-throughput screening workflows.
Friday, November 5, at 16:00 GMT / 12:00 EDT
GUT MICROBIOME: Basics, opportunities, and establishing new pipeline conditions
In this webinar, Dr. Philipp Lemal, deputy laboratory manager at Ortho-Analytic, will cover a basic introduction to the gut microbiome and the development of an improved diagnostic pipeline. Lemal will discuss how to reduce analysis costs, increase throughput, and thus make the medical benefits of microbiome analysis available to the general public through automation of DNA extraction from stool samples.
Tuesday, November 2, at 15:00 GMT / 16:00 CET / 11:00 EDT / 8:00 PDT
VOLUMETRIC TITRATION: A step-by-step guide to correct results
Join Dr. Christian Haider, head of competence center titration at Metrohm AG, and Angela Schwehn, a chemical laboratory technician at Merck, to explore the basics of volumetric titration and hear tips and advice to help you make sure that your titration results are consistently precise and reproducible. Learn how to verify the suitability and accuracy of a titration method, how to convert manual titration methods into automated procedures, and more.
Tuesday, November 2, at 16:00 GMT / 17:00 CET / 12:00 EST / 9:00 PST
IMMUNO-ONCOLOGY: Dissecting the tumor microenvironment with multiplex immunohistochemistry
In this webinar, Dr. Yvonne Reiss, and Prof. Andreas Weigert from the Goethe University, Frankfurt, will show how they are using Phenoptics™ technology to interrogate the tumor microenvironment for investigator-initiated (translational) trials and preclinical studies. A special focus of this webinar will be on the analysis of tumor-associated macrophages in relation to tumor development and therapy resistance in glioblastoma multiforme, brain metastasis, and breast cancer.
Wednesday, November 3, at 14:00 GMT / 15:00 CET / 10:00 EDT / 07:00 PDT
HPLC: Achieving turnkey purification workflows on complicated drug modalities
This webinar is the first of three webinars on best practices to help you overcome the key challenges and setbacks associated with preparative HPLC. In this first installment, Ed Ha, principal scientist at Angiex, will showcase a collection of optimized workflows for small and large molecule quantification, and post-prep workflows. Plus, Ha will provide top tips for identifying repetitive and unproductive steps.
Wednesday, November 3, at 16:00 GMT / 17:00 CET / 12:00 EDT / 09:00 PDT
OLIGOS ON DEMAND: How the world's first benchtop enzymatic DNA printer is driving innovation
Join this webinar with Dr. Colin Clairet, a postdoc at the Pasteur Institute, and Dr. Steven Quistad, application scientist at DNA Script, for an overview of enzymatic DNA synthesis (EDS) and the core technology behind the SYNTAX System, the world’s first benchtop enzymatic DNA printer. As an example of how oligos on demand can accelerate innovation, Dr. Clairet will describe his current project involving mutant construction of the rising fungal pathogen Candida glabrata using SYNTAX oligos.
Thursday, November 4, at 13:00 GMT / 14:00 CET / 09:00 EDT / 06:00 PDT
TOXICOLOGY: Become a drug testing wiz with MS ß-glucuronidases: Simplify your urinalysis workflow
In this webinar, hear from Mark Pawlicki, product manager of biomolecular discovery reagents, and Lindsey Hess Rickershauser, advanced analytical technology specialist at MilliporeSigma. Expect an insight into a simplified LC/MS urinalysis workflow using a stable ß-glucuronidase mix designed for robust urine drug testing of even the most challenging conjugated analytes, including glucuronides such as opiates and opioids.
Friday, November 5, at 15:00 GMT / 16:00 CET / 11:00 EDT / 8:00 PDT
Catch up on these 6 on-demand webinars:
- Why are new standards in cell counting needed for accurate results? In this webinar, Karine Labour, EU managing director, Logos Biosystems explains how the automated cell counter, LUNA-FX7TM enables users to standardize cell counting in the lab, provides top tips relating to your working environment, and discusses available options for 21 CFR Part 11 compliance as well as routine quality control.Watch here»
- Laboratory ergonomics: Top tips to improve wellbeing in the lab: In this informative webinar, Paulus Artimo, product manager, Sartorius Group, discusses ergonomic disorders, how to identify them, and the ergonomics involved in routines such as pipetting, lab water dispensing, filtration, and working under a laminar flow hood.Watch here»
- mRNA vaccines: Development, manufacturing, and how NanoDrop Eight can help: In this webinar, Patrick Brown, product marketing specialist at Thermo Fisher Scientific, explores a brief history of mRNA vaccines, discusses the mRNA vaccine development and manufacturing processes, and introduces the new NanoDrop Eight Spectrophotometer. Watch here»
- Pipetting techniques and avoiding contamination: Julie Kalungi, Corning Life Sciences, details why using appropriate techniques is imperative for avoiding cross-contamination, provides insights into the different types of pipettor, discusses how to employ proper pipetting techniques, and offers guidance for improving work ergonomics. Watch here»
- Automating Six Sigma, MU, and reagent tracking with IAMQC: This webinar is the final installment of three webinars on internal quality control practices and their application in clinical laboratories. In this session, Ger Kennedy, VP Informatics, Technopath Clinical Diagnostics, introduces the comprehensive internal quality control software, IAMQC®. Watch here»
- Sample prep strategies for the clinical research lab: In this webinar, Tina Chambers, technical specialist at Agilent Technologies, explores and compares sample preparation strategies for clinical research laboratories, ranging from simple dilute and shoot to solid-phase extraction (SPE), with a particular focus on solid-supported liquid extraction (SLE) and enhanced protein precipitation.Watch here»
Have a conflicting schedule? Don't worry all SelectScience webinars are made available on-demand, find out more here>>