SelectScience InterviewsLife Sciences

Unlock New Possibilities for Your Cell-Based Assays: New Plate Reader with Live Cell Imaging and Real Time Cytometry

14 Jul 2019
Unlock New Possibilities for Your Cell-Based Assays: New Plate Reader with Live Cell Imaging and Real Time Cytometry

Hear how the Tecan Spark® Cyto multi-mode plate reader with fluorescence imaging and cytometry capabilities can help you to gain more meaningful insights from your cell-based research. Lynda O’Leary, Marketing Application Scientist, Tecan, shares how the Spark Cyto can help you to save time and samples and standardize procedures for long-term live-cell kinetic experiments procedures to gain a better understanding of the complex processes within cell biology.

Video filmed at SLAS Europe 2019 – visit the SelectScience special feature for more videos from the event.

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