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Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany100485Available: Worldwide

Histological Staining Kits

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Merck KGaA, Darmstadt, Germany

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Connective tissue can be selectively visualized by using a combination of three different staining solutions: Azophloxine and Tungstophosphoric acid Orange G solutions stain components such as muscle, cytoplasm and erythrocytes, and Light green SF solution then is counter-stains connective tissue. These solutions are used in the Masson-Goldner trichrome staining technique which has the benefit that it can be used on formalin-fixed material. Our Masson-Goldner staining Kit contains the three ready-to-use staining solutions that can also be applied subsequently to staining nuclei with Weigert's iron hematoxylin. As result of a staining according to our protocol, the nuclei will be stained in dark brown to black, cytoplasm and muscles will appear brick red, connective tissue and acidic mucus substances will appear green and erythrocytes will be bright orange.The package is sufficient for 400 - 500 applications. The product is registered as IVD and CE product and can be used in diagnostics and laboratory accreditation.

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