StemSpan™ SFEM
Serum-free medium for culture and expansion of hematopoietic cells

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Culture medium
This is an essential medium from culture and expansion of human hematopoietic cells, mainly pluripotent cell (CD34-positive cells), containing appropriate growth factors and supplements. We used the StemSpan medium after normal or leukemia CD34-positive cells isolated from human healthy and leukemia bone marrow and transduced with lentivirus, allowing the effective expansion and differentiation in a lineage-committed progenitors (erythroid).
Review Date: 5 Dec 2022 | STEMCELL Technologies Inc.
StemSpan™ Serum-Free Expansion Medium (SFEM) has been developed and tested for the in vitro culture and expansion of human hematopoietic cells, when the appropriate growth factors and supplements are added. This allows users the flexibility to prepare medium that meets their requirements. When combined with the appropriate cytokines, SFEM has been used for the culture and expansion of hematopoietic cells isolated from other species, including mouse, non-human primate, and dog. SFEM has also been used for culture of various other hematopoietic and non-hematopoietic cell types. Using appropriate StemSpan™ Expansion Supplements, SFEM may be used to expand CD34+ cells isolated from human cord blood, mobilized peripheral blood, or bone marrow samples, or to expand and differentiate lineage-committed progenitors to generate populations of erythroid, myeloid, or megakaryocyte progenitor cells.