The miniiSED ® is the newest addition to the ALCOR family of Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) analyzers from ALCOR Scientific.
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Fantastic instrument for small to midsize lab. Results in 4 min. Highly recommend.
Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate
The miniiSED is easy to use and it has been awesome working with Alcor!
Review Date: 21 Nov 2022 | Alcor Scientific
Fast, small sedimentation rate analyzer.
Analyze whole blood sedimentation rates
If you don't have a huge volume of sedimentation rates to measure, this is the machine for you. It is a one-at-a-time sedimentation rate machine. It samples from the primary EDTA tube. It takes less than 20 seconds! It is a great machine. It is very compact and does a great job for us.
Review Date: 18 May 2020 | Alcor Scientific
Accurate, fast and inexpensive!
Hematology sedimentation rate analyzer
The Alcor miniiSED is a fast, efficient and cost-effective method for performing erythrocyte sedimentation rates within our laboratory. The miniiSED produces results within seconds! The techs love the ease of use, the reliability and reproducibility of the values that it produces! Also, the Alcor miniiSED is cheaper than our old methodology for this test. Use of the Alcor miniiSED is a "Win, Win" for labs, physicians and patients alike!
Review Date: 18 May 2020 | Alcor Scientific
The miniiSED® is the newest addition to the ALCOR family of Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR) analyzers from ALCOR Scientific. The miniiSED® measurement of ESR is fast, accurate and unaffected by variables associated with traditional methodologies, such as hematocrit. This single position, fully automated ESR analyzer works directly from primary EDTA tubes or BD Microtainer® MAP Microtubes, requires 100 microliters of sample, has an internal barcode reader, and produces stat results in 15 seconds!
Key features:
- STAT results in only 15 seconds
- Fully automated from primary EDTA tubes
- 100µL sample volume
- No exposure to patient sample
- Ideal compact size
- High correlation to Westergren method
- Easily interfaces to LIS