6 top new resources to help your lab become more sustainable

Explore our exclusive interviews, free downloads, latest technologies, and more to support your lab make more environmentally safe choices

31 Aug 2021
Ellen Simms
Product and Reviews Editor
Top resources for food contamination

As part of our new special feature, we’ve pulled together a selection of the top new resources and technologies to aid your lab in making more sustainable and eco-friendly choices.

Read on to discover top resources, including advice from the sustainability experts on choosing the right, sustainable equipment for your lab, the technology that can help you cut down on single-use plastics and the lab reagents designed to be biodegradable. Plus, hear about the solutions driving sustainability within clinical laboratories, what a helium shortage means for labs of the future and the temperature control units designed with the environment in mind.

Ingrid Hayenga Merck

GOING GREEN: Where are we on the sustainable microbiology lab journey?

In this guest editorial, the problem of sustainability within clinical labs is examined and the solutions that are driving the green revolution to help labs adopt more environmentally friendly practices and become more sustainable are explained.

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Amadeo Fernandex-Alba, Agilent

LAB EQUIPMENT: Why your glassware washer is a key ingredient for a more sustainable lab

In this free on-demand webinar, hear from the experts and get a comprehensive overview of the unique performance features and energy saving technologies that contribute to more sustainable lab equipment and how lab glassware washers can contribute to overall lab sustainability efforts.

Watch on demand


BIODEGRADABLE: The future of solvents

Download this free guide to the new range of greener and BioRenewable solvents from Merck to replace classic petroleum solvents currently used in your workflows.

Download eBook

Cannabis brownies Restek

REDUCE PLASTIC: Count cells without slides

In this video, discover the CellDrop Cell Counters that enable users to count cells without slides, eliminating the need for plastic slides. Applications include brightfield cell counting, fluorescence cell counting and viability.

Watch video

Fat and protein in plant-based foods

CHROMATOGRAPHY: Helium shortage 2.0 and the alternatives for gas chromatography

Find out how gas chromatography labs can adapt to reduce reliance on helium, in response to the current status of global helium supply. Dr. Ed Connor, GC Product Specialist at PEAK Scientific, explores the options available and what the future of helium use may look like.

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Lc-MS food

REFRIGERANTS: Sustainable, environmentally safe and future-proof temperature control

This application note describes the economic and environmentally friendly cooling solutions, designed to use natural hydrocarbons in line with the "F-Gas Regulation".

Download application note

More top resources to help you go green:

  • ACT Labels from My Green Lab: Agilent LC-MS instruments receive the highly-respected Accountability, Consistency, and Transparency (ACT) Label from My Green Lab. Find out how Agilent is celebrating, by planting over 1,500 trees and how you can take part. Read article»
  • 6 simple steps to a more eco-friendly lab: As scientists return to the lab following the pandemic, is it a good time to get a little greener? Check out these top tips to minimize your lab’s environmental impact. Read article»
  • Total organic carbon (TOC) determination in raw and drinking water: Analytik Jena highlights how to overcome the challenges of TOC determination in drinking water using the non-purgeable organic carbon (NPOC) method with total inorganic carbon (TIC) control measurement. Download application note»
  • eLabNext and sustainability: In this application note, eLabNext details how they help customers to improve the sustainability of their bioscience laboratory operations. Download application note»
  • Reduce, reuse, recycle: Sustainability in the lab: Single-use plastics are abundant in labs – but is there anything that can be done about it? Take a look at how improved sustainability in the lab can be achieved without giving up essential single-use plastics. Read article»
  • Improve your accuracy, sensitivity and precision with redefined HPLC/UHPLC system technologies: Chromatography experts from Waters introduce a new HPLC/UHPLC solution designed to help dramatically improve your data quality while helping you meet your sustainability goals. Watch on demand»

Your recommendations:

Take a look at what other researchers and scientists all over the world are saying about the latest equipment and technologies driving sustainability. Here, Elena Cassella, Center for Discovery and Innovation, shares her opinion of the DeNovix CellDrop™ Cell Counters by DeNovix.

Oxitest review Maria Di Cairano

Find more news and resources in our Sustainability Special Feature>>

