Cannabis testing - pesticides, topicals, simple standards and more

Keep up to date with the latest techniques and technologies driving cannabis research into 2021

1 Mar 2021
Cameron Smith-Craig
Associate Editor
Cannabis Testing Special Feature

The chemical constituents of cannabis are now being infused into all manner of products - from edibles and vaporizers to creams and lotions, these products have hit the mass market by storm. As their popularity continues to grow, the scientific industry has stepped in with new methods and technologies to ensure these products are well regulated and to investigate any concerns with their use.

In this special feature, we take a closer look at some of the latest breakthroughs being made in this industry and how they could help give scientists the extra edge they need to keep up with the fast-paced field and the demand for quality control.

Plus, we're asking for your opinion on which technologies have been the most effective for your cannabis testing workflows:
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A well-defined analysis of 27 GC-amenable pesticides

CONTAMINANTS: A well-defined analysis of 27 GC-amenable pesticides

Featuring 27 pesticides regulated in the North American cannabis industry, discover Agilent Technologies' workflow to achieve and exceed LOD, LOQ, accuracy and precision using the 8890/7010B GCMS System.

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Rapid quantification of CBD in lotions, balms & creams

LC-UV ANALYSIS: Rapid quantification of CBD in lotions, balms & creams

Restek demonstrates a simple LC-UV analysis method to quantify cannabidiol (CBD) in three different complex matrix samples, delivering reliable results in under five minutes.

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Streamlined sample and standards preparation

EXTRACTION: Streamlined sample and standards preparations

Extraction of cannabis samples from varied matrices can be tedious and time consuming. Here, BrandTech Scientific shares its latest innovations to increase the accuracy, safety and convenience of your prep work.

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High-throughput analysis of 17 cannabinoids

WORKFLOW: High-throughput analysis of 17 cannabinoids

Discover MilliporeSigma's solution for acidic cannabinoid retention time shift issues, with long lifetimes for dirty matrices - as validated in the AOAC official method 2018.11 for quantification of cannabinoids.

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Shelf-stable emulsions with easy sample prep

HOMOGENIZATION: Shelf-stable emulsions with easy sample prep

In search of consistency and uniformity in your cannabis product production and testing? Download this eBook guide from PRO Scientific for top tips and FAQs on achieving reliable and reproducible results.

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Comprehensive pesticide testing to ensure safe products

EXPERT INSIGHT: Comprehensive pesticide testing to ensure safe products

In a SelectScience webinar on Wednesday, March 31, Dr. Anthony Macherone, Visiting Professor at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, will discuss targeted methodologies to ensure the safety of cannabis products through comprehensive pesticide testing.

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Watch scientists at the forefront of cannabis testing:

Quality control: Dr. Jonathan Speare, from White Buffalo Laboratories, discusses quality assurance requirements and how quantifying marijuana testing is changing the cannabis industry. Watch video >>

Pesticide screening: In this on-demand webinar, cannabis and hemp consultant Julie Kowalski explains why confirmation testing is a must when screening for residual pesticides in consumer products. Watch webinar >>

Phytocannabinoids: Jeffery Williams, Process Chemistry Exploration Department at Cayman Chemical, discusses degradation pathways of phytocannabinoids and cannabis sinusoids to try and help the accuracy, reliability, and reproducibility of your workflow. Watch video >>

More useful cannabis testing resources:

  • Discover our guide to choosing the most appropriate liquid handling instrument for your lab - save time, decrease sample contamination, and improve accuracy and efficiency. Download guide >>
  • Cayman Chemical illustrates the naming and numbering conventions of phytocannabinoids and the biosynthesis for the orcinol, olivtol, and varinol series. Download poster>>
  • Shimadzu demonstrates the use of supercritical fluid chromatography as a green technique to quantitate nine cannabinoids in hemp flower. Download method >>
  • Discover a test method for the analysis of pesticides and mycotoxins in cannabis brownies, using the California list. Download application >>
  • PerkinElmer launches a fully automated workflow for cannabis & hemp pesticide residue testing, featuring quality control reagent kits, robotic sample preparation, mass spectrometry analysis and data reporting software. Read article >>

Your recommendations:

Find out what researchers around the world are saying about the products they use! Jingpeng Xu, from Pall Corporation, shared this review of the Arc HPLC System by Waters.

Arc HPLC System by Waters

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