Top Six Innovations in HPLC Columns
31 Oct 2014
1.Raptor™ Biphenyl LC Column - Restek
The Raptor columns comprise of superficially porous particles (also known as SPP or “core-shell” particles) that enable peak separation and faster analysis times without expensive UHPLC instrumentation.
2. Chromolith® High Resolution HPLC Columns - Merck Millpore
Chromolith® columns possess a defined bimodal pore structure with macro- and mesopores in the micro- and nanometer range. The high permeability and porosity of the silica skeleton and the resulting low back pressure allow for more flexible flow rates compared to particulate columns.
3. Kinetex® EVO Core-Shell Columns - Phenomenex
The EVO C18 columns are an extension of the PhenomenexKinetex core-shell line, which delivers improved results, increased productivity, easy transferability and significant cost savings compared to traditional HPLC/UHPLC media.
4. XBridge® HPLC Columns - Waters
XBridge® HPLC Columns include a selection of 10 general-purpose and application-specific sorbents that cover a wide range of particles sizes for analytical and preparative HPLC applications.
5. ZORBAX StableBond - Agilent Technologies
The ZORBAX 1.8 μm HPLC columns feature improved packing processes to achieve stability up to 1200 bar for use with the Agilent 1290 Infinity LC and other UHPLC instruments. They are available in more than 12 phases, plus HILIC.
6. Acclaim® 120 C18 Reversed-Phase LC Column - Thermo Fisher Scientific
The Acclaim® 120 columns are designed for high resolution reversed-phase separations. The very high surface coverage and very low metal content together result in columns with excellent efficiencies. These columns provide exceptional performance for a variety of applications in the pharmaceutical, chemical, environmental, and food separations areas.