Top 10 Environmental Downloads of 2014

31 Dec 2014
Lois Manton-O'Byrne, PhD
Executive Editor

Read on to discover the 10 most read, watched and downloaded articles, videos and application notes by the SelectScience Environmental community during 2014.

Article: 7 Recent Advances in Mass Spectrometry – And How They Could Revolutionize Your Research
Discover recent developments in Mass Spectrometry and how they can help you work more effectively in the laboratory.

Application Note: Screening Environmental Samples for a Diverse Range of Compounds
Waters’ Screening Platform Solution is used in combination with the UNIFI Toxicology library to screen a local well water sample for contaminants such as pharmaceuticals, pesticides and drugs of abuse.

Application Note: Tips and Tricks for High Purity Water Handling in the LC-MS Laboratory
Download this poster from EMD Millipore for helpful tips and good lab practices when using water purification systems.

Application Note: High Speed Analysis of Pesticides
Read how KNAUER HPLC is used to simultaneously determine nine pesticides commonly used in agriculture.

Video: Activated Carbon Analysis using ATR FT-IR for Removal of Contaminants in Drinking Water
Watch this video to learn how activated carbon is used extensively for the purification of drinking water.

Article: pH Measurement: Six Technical Tips from Metrohm
Tips include calibrating, temperature variants, measurements, electrode cleaning and storage of pH meters.

Article: 7 Portable Instrument Developments That Will Change the Way You Work
Discover how portable instruments are enabling scientists to analyze samples almost anywhere.

Video: Environmental Forensics: Impacts on Human Population
Watch this video to discover how environmental exposure can be linked to an increase in human disease state.

Application Note: Online SPE Analysis of Pharmaceutical Compounds in Environmental Waters
Find out how Agilent LC-MS with SPE is used to determine pharmaceutical contaminants in environmental waters.

Article: 8 HPLC Innovations That Will Make Your Lab Work Easier
Learn about a series of HPLC developments that enable you to work more efficiently.

