The Latest News, Methods and Products to Optimize Your Environmental Research
Drinking water analysis, LC-MS troubleshooting and simple sample handling
11 Oct 2015
Drinking water analysis, LC-MS troubleshooting and simple sample handling
Discover the latest innovations in environmental monitoring and testing
1. BUYING GUIDE: Download the new Mass Spectrometry Buying Guide
Learn about key factors and application considerations when buying a new mass spectrometer with this independent SelectScience Buying Guide. Read impartial user reviews to help you to purchase with confidence. Download guide.
2. APPLICATION NOTE: Determination of Cyanotoxins in Drinking Water using LC/MS/MS
Download this application note to learn how to detect cylindrospermopsin and anatoxin-a in drinking water under EPA Method 545, using direct aqueous injection LC/MS/MS. Download method.
3. VIDEO: Easy Vial Identification with the Thermo Scientific Virtuoso™ Vial ID System
Watch this entertaining animation to learn about a fully customizable, direct-to-vial labeling technology that enables accurate identification and increases sample security for all your environmental samples. Watch video.
4. WEBINAR HIGHLIGHTS: Simultaneous Quantitative Determination and Screening of Pesticides using LC-Q-Orbitrap-MS
Dr Hans Mol (Senior Scientist, RIKILT Wageningen UR) describes the favored combination of full scan and vDIA (variable Data Independent Acquisition) for targeted and non-targeted approaches, and how you can obtain efficient data analysis. Read a summary of the Q&A or watch the webinar on-demand.
5. APPLICATION NOTE: Determination of Trace Nitroaromatic, Nitroamine, and Nitrate Ester Compounds for EPA Method 8330BT
This application note demonstrates the capabilities of the Horizon Technology SPE-DEX® 4790 Automated Extractor System when used for the analysis of nitramine, nitroaromatic, and nitrate ester compounds in surface and ground water. EPA Method 8330B provides high performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) conditions for the detection of parts per billion (ppb) levels of certain explosives residues in surface or ground water, often nitroaromatic compounds, which include trinitrotoluene (TNT) and dinitrotoluene (DNT). Nitramines are the most recently introduced class of organic nitrate explosives. Download method.
The use of arsenic based pesticides and fertilizers over the last century still contaminates soil today. Some regions are also affected by naturally-occurring inorganic arsenic present in groundwater. With its unrivalled sensitivity, the PlasmaQuant ® MS Elite delivers the lowest detection limits of any ICP-MS when measuring both organic and inorganic species of arsenic in food and beverages. Read more.
7. WEBINAR: Tips and Tricks for LC-MS
In this webinar, Hans Griesinger, Analytical R&D Engineer, Merck KGaA, discusses tips and tricks for optimizing the coupling of liquid chromatography with mass spectrometry. Using several case studies, Hans covers sensitivity, column robustness and lifetime, plus methods to correctly analyze complex samples. Watch webinar on-demand.
8. APPLICATION NOTE: Quantitation and Confirmation of Organophosphorus Pesticides in Apple Extract in a Single Injection by GC-MS/MS
This application note demonstrates a quantitative method for the analysis of organophosphorus pesticides in apple extract. The analysis of organophosphorus pesticides is routinely performed by injection on a selective GC detector, Flame Photometric Detector (FPD) or Nitrogen Phosphorus Detector (NPD). Although both the FPD and NPD have high selectivity and linearity, when the matrix ions coelute with a target compound, the resulting spectrum is very complex and the confirmation is not always clear. Download method.
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