The Latest Cannabis Testing Techniques - Exclusive Special Feature
Discover how changes in legislation have impacted on cannabis testing around the world, with solutions ranging from CPC to mass spectrometry
15 Oct 2018

Changes in legislation around cannabis use for both medical and recreational purposes are having a major impact on the way cannabis analysis is carried out. In this special feature, discover industry-wide solutions to cannabis testing conundrums, from mass spectrometry to centrifugal partition chromatography.

CANNABIDIOL: Purify CBD from Crude Cannabis Extracts in Just One Step
Cannabidiol (CBD) has potential to be an effective therapeutic agent. Find out how centrifugal partition chromatography (CPC) technology from Gilson can be used in CBD purification with an almost 100% recovery rate.

PESTICIDES: An Advanced Tool for Detecting Pesticide Residue in Cannabis for the Canadian Market
The Thermo Scientific™ TSQ Altis™ Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer provides targeted quantitation of residues, with low limits of detection, to assist with compliance with Canadian cannabis testing regulations.

ATR SPECTROSCOPY: Narcotic Analysis with Little or No Sample Preparation
Discover how the Quest™ ATR accessory from Specac can be utilized as a fast method for analyzing solid and liquid drug samples, including cannabis and cocaine, non-destructively.
More Info: Watch this on-demand cannabis webinar for more information on the chromatography foundations for cannabis labs.

CHROMATOGRAPHY: Growing Analytical Solutions for Cannabis Testing
Find out how Restek can help cannabis labs establish innovative, cost-effective analytical solutions for cannabis testing. In this brochure, you will find state-of-the-art LC and GC products.

HOMOGENIZATION: Cannabis Emulsification for Cannabinoid Oil Production
Cannabinoid oil suspensions are routinely dispersed using a rotor-stator homogenizer. In this video, Omni demonstrates the rotor-stator emulsification process using the Omni Mixer homogenizer.

ISO ACCREDITATION: Inside Florida's Advanced Cannabis Testing Laboratory
Discover how Florida's first ISO-accredited cannabis laboratory is utilizing technology from Shimadzu Scientific Instruments Inc. in its testing, for increased accuracy and sample quality.

HPLC: Fast and Easy Achiral & Chiral Analysis of Cannabinoids
Discover an easy method from YMC for the determination of plant composition, which is necessary for quality control of medical cannabis used for therapeutic treatment.