Sebastien Chanlon Tests the New SelectScience Website
Hear what Biomnis' Analytical Chemistry Department Manager has to say
21 Mar 2015
Sebastien is a SelectScience Advanced Reviewer, and has been a Member since April 2012
Sebastien Chanlon is an Analytical Scientist by training, and he has vast experience across Clinical, Environmental and Life Science applications. He currently manages a busy department at Biomnis, with 35 members of staff and several major instruments, and his daily work often requires him to solve problems.
Staying Ahead
Sebastien purchases several instrument per year, most recently the Waters ACQUITY UPLC Sample Organizer, and he will soon be acquiring the latest PerkinElmer Nexion ICP-MS instrument for novel zinc diagnostics in blood and urine.
His innovative approach to developing new tests means he has to keep abreast of all technologies, and stay up-to-date with the latest innovations across clinical, analytical and forensic disciplines.
Why SelectScience?
"SelectScience helps me be aware of all the different technologies available across many different technique and application areas - all in one place," said Sebastien.
I make my buying decisions using SelectScience's impartial reviews... SelectScience helps me to bring innovation to my laboratory and company
Sebastien Chanlon
About Biomnis

Biomnis is a specialist in medical testing company in France, with other international locations. The group's laboratories carry out a broad panel of tests and have built up a reputation for ongoing new test development of high medical relevance.
The Analytical department laboratories have the latest in sophisticated techniques such as HPLC, ICPMS, GCMS, and LC-MS-MS.
"Whenever I am looking to buy, I make my decision using SelectScience's impartial reviews; it's an Amazon for scientists. As I don't get to travel to the Pittcon or ASMS shows, it brings the news to me." Sebastien continued: "In addition, SelectScience informs me of alternative solutions and ideas from different industries and applications, enabling me to bring innovation to my laboratory and company."
Beta Testing the New SelectScience Website...
- The green color!
- Video helps me to learn more about new products, to show how they work and how they would look in my laboratory. They also help to share information with scientists in the department.
- The new homepage is much clearer, enabling me to go straight to the latest news stories.
- No ideas at the moment, but perhaps continue to make it easier to see what's new across different fields.
"Many thanks to Sebastien for his feedback and continued support and contribution as an Advanced SelectScience Reviewer," Kerry Parker, Editor-in-Chief
Learn more about Biomnis
Find out more about Sebastien