Science Industry Celebrates Successful First Year of ‘Invaluable’ Seals of Quality

Waters, BioTek Instruments, PerkinElmer, Hamilton among the latest companies recognized for top-rated lab products that scientists worldwide love to use

31 Oct 2018
Finn Price
Administrator / Office Personnel
SelectScience allocates Seals of Quality to the top-rated laboratory products
Science industry leaders joined online publisher SelectScience® to celebrate one year of the new Seals of Quality program, designed to further help scientists make important purchasing decisions.  What is a Seal of Quality? The Seal of Quality program recognizes products that have consistently received the highest review ratings and aims to help scientists choose the best for their laboratories. There are four levels: Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze. Seals of Quality recognize the top 0.1% of laboratory products that consistently receive the highest customer review ratings and are designed to enable scientists worldwide to see at a glance the instruments and services their peers love the most. The program has been praised as providing “invaluable” information for scientists.  At a special presentation ceremony hosted by Dr. Arif Butt, CEO and Co-Founder of SelectScience, and Editor, Dr. Lois Manton O’Byrne, at Lab Innovations 2018, Birmingham, UK, the four latest winners of a coveted SelectScience Seal of Quality were announced. The latest manufacturers to receive a Bronze Seal of Quality are: Waters, for its XBridge Columns, BioTek Instruments, for the Synergy™ Neo2 Multi-Mode Reader, PerkinElmer for its EnVision® Multilabel Plate Reader, and Hamilton, for its Microlab STAR Liquid Handling Workstations; while Erlab picked up a special Lab Innovations Seal of Quality Award after receiving the most positive reviews from scientists during October, for its Ductless Fume Hoods. Erin Downing, senior marketing manager for Waters, said: "Waters has been involved with the SelectScience reviews program for several years and has received tremendous customer feedback. We’re absolutely thrilled that four of our products have now won SelectScience Seals of Quality, which will serve to raise the profile of our products even further, driving awareness and engagement with our customers." Among the other attendees were representatives of companies awarded a Seal over the past year, including DeNovix, one of only two to receive a Platinum Seal, Gold Seal winners BioStatus and Erlab, along with Specac, Malvern Panalytical (Silver), Eppendorf and Berthold Technologies (Bronze). SelectScience has now awarded Seals of Quality to a total of 34 top-rated lab products   Roy Edward, sales and marketing director at BioStatus, said: “BioStatus is delighted to have DRAQ5 recognized with a SelectScience Seal of Quality! This initiative by Selectscience healthily “normalizes” the science buyers’ choice to be just like that beyond the lab where reviews are a significant and often critical factor in everyday purchase decisions, from hummus to holidays!” Seals of Quality are allocated in line with strict criteria based on the quantity of reviews a product has received and the average rating of those reviews. There are four levels: Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze. SelectScience has now awarded Seals of Quality to a total of 34 lab products. These top-rated products are used in research across the scientific spectrum, but they all have one thing in common — the scientists using them absolutely love them. “As we mark a fantastic first year for the Seals of Quality, we’re delighted to be joined by some of the leading scientific manufacturers who have really embraced this celebration of excellence and seen the value of cultivating customer feedback through a trusted, independent platform,” said Dr. Manton O’Byrne. Dr. Butt added: “I would like to take this opportunity to thank all our reviewers around the world for sharing their valuable opinions and also to congratulate the Seal of Quality winners, who have been recognized by the people who matter most, their customers.” Know a product that deserves a Seal of Quality? Write a review today >>  Find out more For more highlights from a brilliant first day at Lab Innovations 2018, check out this video Check out the full list of all 37 products with a Seal of Quality  For further information about the Seals of Quality program and how to win a Seal of Quality, click here

