Most Reviewed Products in the Clinical Directory
The five most reviewed diagnostic products on SelectScience
22 Jun 2015
Find out what the most popular products are in clinical chemistry, hematology and clinical microbiology. Do you agree with the ratings given? Have your say by reviewing the analyzers, kits and equipment in your laboratory.
1. Randox RX imola

The RX imola for clinical chemistry has 10 reviews and an average rating of 4.9 stars
Our reviewers like this analyzer; they find it versatile and easy to use, and they get great customer service. Is this your experience of the Randox RX imola? Write your own review here.
2. ELITech Group Envoy 500

The Envoy 500 for clinical chemistry has 17 reviews and an average rating of 4.5 stars
This analyzer is a popular, reliable and affordable workhorse. Some of our reviewers are so attached to their Envoys that they have named them! Is this your experience of the Envoy 500? Write your review here.
3. Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics ADVIA 2120 Hematology System

The ADVIA 2120 hematology system has 10 reviews and an average rating of 3.9 stars
There is a bit of daily maintenance required, but our reviewers love this analyzer's ability to quickly get through heavy workloads. Is this your experience of the ADVIA 2120? Leave your review here.
4. Bruker Daltonics MALDI Biotyper

The MALDI Biotyper for microbiological identification has 8 reviews and an average rating of 4.5 stars
This technology is user-friendly, even if you have no mass-spec experience. Our reviewers love how quickly this machine enables microorganism identification. Is this your experience of the MALDI Biotyper? Leave your review here.
5. Sysmex XE-5000 Hematology Analyzer

The XE-5000 for hematological analysis has 10 reviews and an average rating of 4.7 stars
Highly reliable, extremely precise and with excellent customer service - they don't come much more popular than this. Is this your experience of the XE-5000? Write your review here.
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