Most Read Clinical Articles in April 2015
Discover the most popular diagnostic news this month
22 Apr 2015

Catch up on the very latest diagnostic news with this collection of the most read exclusive interviews and product news articles this month
1. How PointMan™ Testing Kits Could Advance Non-Invasive Cancer Diagnostics
Sonia Nicholas, SelectScience's Clinical Editor, spoke to Dr Ricardo Del Sol, Senior Lecturer at the College of Medicine, Institute of Life Science at Swansea University, UK, about using PointMan™ DNA Enrichment Kits and how working with EKF Diagnostics is leading to new advances in cancer diagnostics.
2. BÜHLMANN Launches Calprotectin IBDoc®, the First CE Marked Patient Home Test Kit for Chronic Inflammation in Crohn’s and Ulcerative Colitis
BÜHLMANN announces the launch of IBDoc®, the first in-vitro diagnostic test to measure the fecal inflammation marker calprotectin at home. IBDoc® has just received a CE mark for patient self testing and is a revolutionary new test for gut inflammation aimed at people with Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Crohn’s and Ulcerative Colitis.
3. Scientists Gather at ECCMID in Copenhagen to Fight Infectious Diseases
The European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Disease (ESCMID) announces that the globe’s most prominent infection specialists will be gathering in Copenhagen to explore solutions to the biggest infection problems during its annual congress – the 25th European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ECCMID) taking place on 25-28 April 2015.
4. Bruker Announces FDA Clearance for Second, Expanded Claim for the MALDI Biotyper CA System
Bruker has announced that it has received 510(k) clearance from the US Food and Drug Administration for library and methods expansion for the MALDI Biotyper CA System, sold in the United States for clinical microbiology.
5. 3 Million People in England Could Have Been Spared Chronic Kidney Disease – Health Watchdog Calls for Changes to Testing
Millions of people in the UK are needlessly suffering from advanced kidney disease, because of a ‘blind spot’ in current testing methods. The traditional test used by the NHS to identify kidney dysfunction, measures the level of a waste product (Creatinine), which is only raised when up to 60% of the kidney has already been damaged. This damage is irreversible, with dialysis or transplant the only available therapies.
6. First-of-its-Kind Diabetes Technology Revolutionizes How Glucose Data is Collected and Analyzed for People in India
Abbott has launched the FreeStyle® Libre Pro Flash Glucose Monitoring System in India, a transformative new glucose monitoring tool that fundamentally changes how doctors treat people with diabetes. With this tool, doctors can get the comprehensive glucose data they need to make more informed treatment decisions.
7. MALDI-TOF and the Clinical Microbiology Laboratory
In this interview, Dr. Robert Jerris, Director of Clinical Microbiology at the Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta Pediatric Hospital, discusses his experiences in implementing and using the MALDI Biotyper for clinical diagnostics use.
8. Siemens Combats Increasing Point-of-Care Workload with Ecosystem Approach
Siemens Healthcare Diagnostics is tackling challenges faced by point-of-care (POC) coordinators in the laboratory with an innovative ecosystem approach. The Ecosystem™ solution was recently launched as an integrated component of the RAPIDComm® Data Management System, an informatics solution which centrally manages Siemens in vitro diagnostics analyzers and operators.