How Advanced Vacuum Controls Can Save You Time and Money
19 Oct 2014

It is essential to make the best choice of vacuum controller to ensure effective drying processes in your laboratory. In this article, learn how selecting the appropriate vacuum controller will improve your sample yields, save time and reduce costs.
The two point control system offers the most cost-effective solution to vacuum control. As the simplest method of control system, it is easy to use and is perfect when you are working with known sample mixtures.
Single Boiling Point Detection
The capability to detect a solvent boiling point makes the single boiling point detection controller a great option to lower the risk of bumping, and subsequently improve your sample yield. In addition, this technology is ideal for working with simple mixtures when full automation is not required.
Continuously Adaptive Controller
Continuously adaptive controller systems offer the ability to work with complex mixtures and fully automate the drying process. This method saves you time in the laboratory and gives you confidence to work with highly sensitive and expensive materials.
Remotely controlling your vacuum pump using your computer or mobile device enables you to easily manage and set up multiple pumps from one PC and collect data simultaneously. This new technology offers the flexibility to automate your pumping units to save you time in the lab.
Learn more about vacuum control in thiswhite paper from Vacuubrand.