GO GREEN: Reduce Solvent Consumption and Increase Productivity
How the Acquity UPLC system can save you time, money and solvent consumption
24 Mar 2015

In today's economic climate, with fluctuating prices and fewer resources, it is important to consider future supply-demand relationships. In 2009, supply problems led to a shortage of acetonitrile, which saw the price increase ten-fold. In order to safeguard your lab against unforeseen fluctuations in the market, and save time, energy and money, a system such as the ACQUITY UltraPerformance LC® (UPLC®) may suit your liquid chromatography needs. When compared to traditional HPLC technology, UPLC systems deliver improved ionization efficiency, resolution, robustness and superior performance at higher pressures. This leads to high-quality, reproducible analyses in considerably less time.
How Much Solvent Could you Save?
Many laboratories from around the world have adopted the ACQUITY UPLC® for their analytical needs, as a sustainable and high-quality LC solution. Laboratory dependent organizations have saved a total of 10 million liters of mobile phase, which adds up to over $1bn in savings using UPLC® and UHPLC. This equates to the following volumes*:
- Four Olympic swimming pools
- Seven Washington Monuments
- Eight US Capitol Rotundas
- Ten International Space Stations
*Assuming systems are performing at ~10,000 samples per annum with solvent priced at $100 per liter.
Choose the Right Technology for your Needs:
1. The ACQUITY UPLC H-Class System: Provides the flexibility and simplicity of automated, quaternary solvent blending and a flow-through-needle injector to deliver the advanced performance expected of UPLC separations.
2. The ACQUITY UPLC M-Class System: The system of choice for the highest quality nano to microscale UPLC® separations, for every laboratory performing sample-limited LC/MS analyses
3. The ACQUITY UPLC I-Class System: The system of choice for high performance analytical scale LC/MS, offering superior low system dispersion and operation up to 18,000 psi (1,241 bar).
4. The ACQUITY UPC2® System: The first convergence chromatography system, utilizing liquid CO2 as the primary mobile phase and applying the performance advantages of UPLC to supercritical fluid chromatography (SFC).
5. The ACQUITY APCTM System: The first new tool in 50 years to support the development of advanced polymers and other plastics.
6. The PATROL UPLC® System: In real-time, can detect and quantify all the analyses in complex, multiple-component in-process samples and final product at the point of production.
For more information, download the infographic.
Download application note: Increasing Chromatographic Productivity and Reducing Solvent Consumption with ACQUITY UPLC®