Essential PCR Setup and Thermoregulation Videos
16 Feb 2015
PrimePCR™ Pathway and Disease Panels - How to Modify a Predesigned Plate
This brief tutorial demonstrates how to modify a predesigned Bio-Rad PrimePCR Assay plate. Learn how you can replace unwanted assays with gene targets of interest or your self-designed assays.
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Axygen® Axyspin Mini Plate Spinner Centrifuge
This video provides an overview of the features and benefits of the Axygen® Axyspin Mini Plate Spinner Centrifuge from Corning, and includes an easy to follow tutorial on how to use the centrifuge to spin down PCR plates.
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Precise Temperature Control with the Minicube PCR from GNAcode
Hear how the Minicube PCR thermo-cycler from GNAcode addresses the issue of well-to-well variation via microprocessor control. Learn how the instrument presents the opportunity to carry out asynchronous PCR with 16 different protocols running in parallel, or even running time-shifted in parallel.
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The Hamilton PCR Setup Workstation
The Hamilton PCR Setup Workstation is designed for flexible and user convenient PCR setup automation, from bench top to high throughput scale.
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Secure Your PCR Samples with Gilson’s MICROMAN® E
With the MICROMAN® E positive displacement pipette, you can pipette viscous and dense samples completely and rapidly.
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VERSA 1100 GENE: Complete Genomics Solution
The VERSA 1100 GENE from Aurora Biomed is a complete genomics solution for DNA/RNA extractions, PCR setup, NGS library prep, and much more. VERSA is configured to suit your protocols, providing highly accurate pipetting to ensure all samples are treated with uniformity, giving you the ultimate confidence in your results.
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Xiril’s PCR Setup Solution
The video presents an ideal hardware and software combination for OEM projects, to build a comprehensive solution for automated PCR setups. Xiril’s PCR Setup Solution was developed to be combined with your kits or reagents, and equipped with the accessories required accordingly – different layout options are available.
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