Chris Bianca Tests the New SelectScience Website
Hear what JRF America's Senior Scientist has to say
22 Mar 2015

Chris is a SelectScience Advanced Reviewer, and has been a Member since July 2013
Chris Bianca is the Group Lead of two sections of JRF America. He provides direction for scientists to carry out different studies that relate to residue and metabolism chemistry. He helps the junior and senior scientists at JRFA to carry out all the work that is needed at the facility, including running and teaching them about the instruments they use. Chris told SelectScience that he is always keen to know what other scientists are working on, what methods and what instruments they are using. Outside of work, Chris loves reading and watching the latest movies. He is also a keen member of his local gym.
Developing New Methods
SelectScience enables Chris to stay current with what is happening in his field. Chris particularly finds the Application Notes published on SelectScience useful: “I am always doing method development and I want to see what other people are doing to help us out. So the Application Notes that are published from other people’s work…that is the information I want to see.” In a similar way, Chris enjoys the interactive webinars that SelectScience hosts, as he gets to find out firsthand what people are adding to his scientific field and he likes learning new things from the webinar speakers. When browsing the new SelectScience website, Chris particularly liked the “Whats’ New in Your Field” tab, as it is now easier to access everything relevant to his community.
Making Purchasing Decisions
As well as regularly using the SelectScience website to stay connected with industrial news and information, Chris also uses SelectScience to help him purchase lab instruments. He recently purchased the SCIEX QTRAP® 6500 LC/MS/MS System. “I went to check all the reviews and the information from SelectScience to see what people were saying about it and how it performed for them in their labs.” Chris also mentioned the importance of the SelectScience Buying Guides: “If multiple scientists are saying this product is state-of-the-art, it works well and is cheap. Then that helps me with my working goals.”
SelectScience is the first place I go to. If we’re getting ready to spend $500,000 on an instrument, I want to know from the people who have bought it already what the performance is and what they are getting out of it
Chris Bianca
JRF America
Why SelectScience?
“SelectScience is the first place I go to. If we’re getting ready to spend $500,000 on an instrument, I want to know from the people who have bought it already what the performance is and what they are getting out of it.” Chris uses SelectScience to keep up-to-date with the methods and products in his industry area to help him find out what he needs to know to make the next step in his work. “SelectScience is a central place that you can come to find whatever you need to make your next step in your work, whether it is purchasing or improving methods.”
About JRF America

JRF America has been an acclaimed contract research laboratory for over 30 years. It is based in Audubon, Pennsylvania, and provides analytical and radiochemical services to agrochemical, pharmaceuticals and environmental clients. JRF America has a successful audit history with the USEPA and has performed studies under OECD guidelines for Canada, Japan and the European Union.
Beta Testing the New SelectScience Website...
Chris’s initial perception of the website is that it is “Much better, like 100 times better than the previous website!”
- The new navigation – everything is easy to get to and find what you need! The website appears more diverse, but very focused towards your specific community.
- The layout and font – the site is now brighter than before, which makes it easier to read.
- The categories in the search engine – great for helping you refine you search and get to your answer more quickly.
- The pictures on some of the links and products need to be more appealing and draw more attention to the article.
- More interaction between scientists. Chris would love to be able to contact scientists in different labs and suggests this could be something arranged through the SelectScience website.
- Chris would also like to see even more editorial content on companies in his industry area, focusing on their latest work and what instruments they use.
"Many thanks to Chris for his feedback and continued support and contribution as an Advanced SelectScience Reviewer," Beth Carney, Reviews Editor
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