8 Innovations to Optimize Your Workflow
Discover the latest products and methods for every laboratory
24 Sept 2015

Discover the latest products and methods for every laboratory
1. APPLICATION NOTE: 7 Questions to Optimize Your Centrifuge Performance
There are many types of centrifuge, all with different capabilities, so it is crucial to consider the right questions to ensure you have the most suitable centrifuge for your application. This comprehensive guide from NuAire explains what questions to ask, from the ease and versatility of operation to the accessories available, to expand the capability of your centrifuge. Download method.
2. VIDEO: Temperature Control with Ease
CORIO is an innovative series of laboratory temperature controlled circulators. JULABO's Christian Walker discusses the benefits of these systems, including user-friendly operation, easy-to-read temperature display, and space saving technologies. Watch now.
3. PRODUCT: The New High-Tech Standard for Variable Speed Rotor Mills
The FRITSCH Variable Speed Rotor Mill PULVERISETTE 14 premium line offers impact, shearing and cutting in one instrument – with a higher performance, better cooling and significantly quieter than comparable instruments. With fast sample throughput, and high rotational speeds of up to 22,000 rpm, the PULVERISETTE 14 is idea for a wide range of materials. Find out more.
4. ARTICLE: My Lab Essentials: Fighting Fire With Fire − Treating Bacterial Infections With Killer Microbes
As well as the increase in bacterial resistance to modern disease treatments, around 80% of bacterial infections involve development of biofilms. These protective films prevent the body from fighting the infection and healing itself − in the latest in our Lab Essentials series, Matthew Wook Chang, Associate Professor from the National University of Singapore, explains why he thinks he may have an answer. Read more.
5. ARTICLE: 7 Ways to Make Your Laboratory More Effective Today!
Whether you run 10 samples a day or 10,000, optimize your laboratory workflow and automate repetitive tasks to allow your staff to concentrate on other things. Discover products, methods and application notes that will help you make your laboratory more efficient. Read more.
6. WEBINAR: Practical Tips to Get the Most from Your Lab's Water Purification System
Water is the most commonly used solvent in laboratories, yet it is probably the least understood. The purity of laboratory water is an important factor for the optimization of experimental results and can boost productivity. In this webinar, Estelle Riché PhD, of the Lab Water Application Group, Millipore SAS, will share practical tips on how you can get the most out of your water purification system. Watch webinar on-demand.
7. APPLICATION NOTE: Successful Integration of Weighing For Fast and Accurate Filling
This comprehensive guide from Mettler Toledo provides an overview of the more common filling terminology and technologies and the advantages and disadvantages of each. Filling by weight has many advantages compared to volumetric filling with flowmeters or other such devices, including accuracy, ease of calibration, and facilitation of statistical process control and traceability. Download method.
8. APPLICATION NOTE: Improving Laboratory Performance Through Quality Control: Troubleshooting QC Problems
When it comes to troubleshooting QC errors, unfortunately there is no easy path to take. A lab with effective troubleshooting procedures in place will still have errors but will be able to detect them, quickly reducing their impact and reducing the risk of wasting both time and money. This guide from Randox explains some helpful tips that your laboratory can use in order to ensure it has effective troubleshooting procedures in place. Download method.
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