8 Innovations in Clinical Microbiology Research
Discover the latest clinical microbiology news, products and application notes
19 Oct 2015

Discover the latest clinical microbiology news, products and application notes
Learn more about freezers that will exceed your expectations, new superresolution detection modes, and how to expertly calibrate your pipettes.
1. Application Note: Thermo Scientific™ Ultra-Low Temperature TSX Series Freezers
Laboratories are reliant upon the capability of freezers to reach exceedingly low temperatures (down to -80°C), in order to reduce any biological activity or preserve structural integrity within a sample, while simultaneously ensuring that they remain viable once thawed. The Thermo Scientific TSX ULT freezer has been designed to ensure that your samples are always secure from temperature fluctuations thanks to the V-drive, its variable speed compressor capable of quickly recovering from door opening and other heat loads. Download note.
2. Article: Webinar Highlights: New Acquisition and Detection Modes with ZEISS Airyscan
In this webinar, Joseph Huff, Product Marketing Manager for Laser Scanning and Superresolution Microscopy for ZEISS Microscopy, discussed the use of use of Airyscan to increase performance of laser scanning microscopy systems on samples including cell spheroids, Drosophila brain and live cells. Read a summary of the Q&A session, or watch the webinar on-demand. Learn more about the ZEISS LSM family in our product directory.
3. Product: Beckman Coulter Diagnostics DxN VERIS Molecular Diagnostics System: Positive Trial Results Reported
Beckman Coulter has announced the results of recently commissioned independent trials of the new DxN VERIS Molecular Diagnostics System, which showed enhanced workflow and productivity over incumbent systems. A UK trial was undertaken within The Department of Virology at Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, whose annual automated workload is approximately 103,000 samples, testing for infections such as chlamydia and gonorrhea. Read more.
4. Product: Take a Virtual Lab Tour and Discover Calibration Expertise
Lightweight and easy-to-use, ErgoOne® Pipettes can be trusted to provide accurate and precise pipetting all day, every day. Find out more with a virtual tour of STARLAB's iQ-Lab. More information.
5. VIDEO: Eppendorf Centrifuge Maintenance: The Basis for Lab Safety
Learn more about recommended routine maintenance for your centrifuge equipment with advice from Eppendorf. Regular maintenance of your centrifuge is crucial for optimal conditions and safety. This video will take you through a thorough cleaning and maintenance procedure in a step-by-step fashion. Watch video.
6. Article: New Infectious Disease Assay Could Improve Patient Management and Reduce Antibiotic Resistance
MeMed recently announced publication of the results of a large multicenter prospective clinical study that validates the ability of its ImmunoXpert™ in vitro diagnostic blood test to determine whether a patient has an acute bacterial or viral infection. Sonia Nicholas, SelectScience's Clinical Editor, spoke to MeMed co-founder Eran Eden to find out more. Read article.
7. Application Note: Maintaining Yeast Viability during Tissue Homogenization with Minilys
Fungi of medical interest in recent years have become primarily responsible for opportunist parasitic diseases, mainly because of the strong increase of immune-depressed patients. Fungal infections pose a challenge to health professionals, who not only face a variety of new emerging pathogens, but also manage the problem of resistance to antifungal treatments. In this application note, the viability of candida yeast pathogens post homogenization from whole tissues of mice (lung, heart, liver, brain, kidney and spleen) using the Minilys with Precellys lysing kits was assessed. Download method.
8. Product: FDA Signs Off on BioFire Diagnostics' Rapid Meningitis Test
BioMérieux's BioFire Diagnostics received FDA approval for its rapid meningitis and encephalitis test, which screens for 14 bacterial, viral and yeast pathogens that cause central nervous system (CNS) infections by using a small sample of spinal fluid, providing results in about an hour. Find out more.
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