What You Need to Know: Micro and Nano Low Flow LC Essentials

In this webinar, join our low flow LC expert who will review micro and nano LC fundamentals, and present a selective approach to trap and column strategies to increase method performance. They will provide chromatographic examples on forward and backward trap elute strategies, trap selectivity comparisons, and micro and nano LC column selectivities, and will explain how to find the best selectivity strategy for your application.

Key learning objectives

  • Understand the current state of micro and nano LC and hardware advances
  • Understand trap and elute – forward and backward comparison
  • Discover trap and column selectivity strategies
  • Learn how to find the best selectivity for your application

Who should attend?

  • Any scientist who is interested in improving and expanding their micro and Nano LC performance and would like to increase their knowledge of current trap and column strategies and hardware advancements

Certificate of attendance

All webinar participants can request a certificate of attendance, including a learning outcomes summary, for continuing education purposes.


Dora Wells
Dora Wells
Clinical Content Editor, SelectScience
Roxana Eggleston-Rangel
Roxana Eggleston-Rangel
Senior Applications Scientist, Phenomenex

