HTA s.r.l.

Leading Italian engineering and manufacturing company in the business of scientific instrumentation to laboratories, since 20 years.

Located within an intensive industrial area with long tradition on automation techniques, on electronics and on mechanics.

Passionate for robotics to handle samples from preparation to storage. We manage different technologies and we own deep knowledge of autosampler applications and of automation requirements within labs.

Our knowledge and experience of applications make our products optimized and cost effective. High quality and high reliability are must for us providing high return on investements to end users.

We are certified UNi EN ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management system.

We are committed to pursue technical leadership, quality and service as key factors to succeed togheter with our customers.

Our sales are either with HTA label or through several OEM agreements.

HT4000L HPLC Autosampler

HT4000L is an HPLC autosampler for high presise injection into HPLC, UHPLC, LC/MS and IC systems. HT4000L is lab automation ready. In fact HT4000L besides working as a standard HPLC autosampler, can ...


Leading Italian engineering and manufacturing company in the business of scientific instrumentation to laboratories, since 20 years.

Located within an intensive industrial area with long tradition on automation techniques, on electronics and on mechanics.

Passionate for robotics to handle samples from preparation to storage. We manage different technologies and we own deep knowledge of autosampler applications and of automation requirements within labs.

Our knowledge and experience of applications make our products optimized and cost effective. High quality and high reliability are must for us providing high return on investements to end users.

We are certified UNi EN ISO 9001:2008 Quality Management system.

We are committed to pursue technical leadership, quality and service as key factors to succeed togheter with our customers.

Our sales are either with HTA label or through several OEM agreements.

Contact HTA s.r.l.

Brescia 25131

Website link