Drug discovery > Clinical Development Products & Reviews

Products, services, reviews and techniques used in lead molecule testing in humans through clinical trials and regulatory services, and data analysis.

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Brooks Life Sciences



FluidXâ„¢ XDC-96

Brooks Life Sciences

FluidX XDC-96 is a compact, standalone, high-speed whole rack tube de-capper and capper that automatically removes, recaps or disposes of septum caps from a full 96-format SBS rack of sample storage tubes; can also be integrated into automated sample storage and handling environments

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FluidXâ„¢ Thawing Station

Brooks Life Sciences

The FluidX Tube Rack Thawing Station is a stand-alone system designed to speed up the defrost time of chilled or frozen sample storage tubes, operating with with 24, 48 or 96-format SBS racks providing gentle, but accelerated, thawing of racks of sample tubes

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