Vilber Bio Print CX3
Gel Documentation systems are the ideal imaging systems for gel documentation in any lab or core facility. The Super-Bright UV illumination and filter technology enhances the image quality, especially for DNA and RNA gels. The compact darkroom is made entirely of stainless steel and aluminum.
Fluorescence is the main method used for gene expression and protein detection. The fluorophore absorbs the excitation light, reaching a higher energy state. By returning to its former state, it emits fluorescent light. The aim of the imaging system is to separate the emitted light from the excitation light in order to obtain an optimum sample image.
VILBER offers a wide array of technologies to fit any application needed while offering unsurpassed sensitivity, speed, and the ability to reach the lowest limits of detection for DNA, RNA and protein applications. From basic systems that “get the job done” to the highest specification gel documentation stations on the market, the VILBER line has every researcher and technically challenging application covered.
*Super-Bright UV Pad for DNA and RNA gels and fluorescence stain imaging
*White Pad or white light conversion screen for: colorimetric stained protein gels, X-Ray film, autorads, SSCP gels, colony dish, and flask imaging, and other EPI white light applications
*Blue Pad for DNA/RNA detection to avoid “nicking” DNA