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Get systematic chemical names for structures and produce structures from names - ACD/Name generates chemical names according to IUPAC rules, converts chemical names to structures, and easily handles challenging areas of nomenclature.

Advanced Chemistry Development, Inc.,  (ACD/Labs)

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ACD/Name generates chemical names according to IUPAC and CAS Index rules, converts names back to structures, and can easily handle challenging nomenclature, such as naming biological molecules, organometallics, and polymers. Derivative rule reports and links back to the relevant nomenclature recommendations permit a greater insight and understanding of the nomenclature process and the name generated.

  • Various functional groups, including acids, alcohols, aldehydes, ketones, ethers, peroxides, salts, and more
  • Mono- and polycyclic systems
  • Homogeneous and heterogeneous chains
  • Natural product structures (steroids, alkaloids, terpenes, and carotenes)
  • Carbohydrates (in Haworth and other representations)
  • Amino acids, peptides, and derivatives
  • Radicals and charged structures
  • Some polymers

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