Cell-Based Assays: Trending Technology this Month

From lightning-fast labeling technology to real-time cytometry and high-throughput protein interaction analysis, find out what technologies are making the headlines in life sciences this month

30 May 2019
Frankie MacDonald
Administrator / Office Personnel

1. Label your antibodies with just 30 seconds hands-on time

Fed up of tedious antibody protocols? Expedeon’s exciting Lightning-Link Technology promises rapid antibody labeling — in 20 minutes with 30 seconds hands-on time — as well as 100% antibody recovery, and highly stable conjugated products.

2. Analyze protein interactions for drug discovery and screening

Many of the conventional analysis methods do not provide important contextual information that reveals how a protein works in its native cellular environment, nor do they suit high-throughput screening campaigns. Download this eBook for access to robust, reproducible protein interaction assays, compatible for multi-detection microplate readers for higher throughput drug discovery workflows.

3. Discover the new fluorescent protein on the block

Biophysicists from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, along with scientists from France and Germany, have developed a new fluorescent protein that is more thermally stable, considerably smaller, and emits light without the need for oxygen. Initially identified in thermophilic bacterium, this group of researchers has developed a method for large-scale production that could bring this technology to your labs, very soon.

4. Capture detailed cell physiology in real time

Take your live-cell imaging one step further - from ‘wellular’ to cellular - with the first live-cell plate reader with integrated real-time cytometry. The Spark® Cyto from Tecan, officially being launched at SLAS Europe in Barcelona, enables you to delve deeper into cell physiology with extended parameters. Watch this video to find out more and catch the experts at the Tecan booth - Island 3, next month.

5. Turn an eye towards automation to mitigate assay variability

In a SelectScience webinar, liquid handling experts discuss the underappreciated impact of pipetting errors on assay read-outs. Catch the webinar on demand to find out how to assess the variability in your liquid handling workflows; why it’s important to optimize these parameters for assay transfer; and how the Artel Liquid Handling Service provides the necessary expertise to overcome such barriers.

6. Invest in a one-size-fits-all cell culture solution

R&D scientists from PromoCell have spent the past two years working to develop a unique, never-seen-before product for established cancer cell lines. Having realized that sera and animal-products in media influence the physiology of cells in a dose and cell-line dependent manner, they have developed an entirely xeno and serum-free solution that is fit for purpose for almost any cell line - enabling true comparability within your cell-based analysis. Download this application note to find out more and watch out for an exclusive SelectScience interview — from inside the PromoCell lab — coming soon.

