Top Five Environmental Application Note Downloads this Month
24 Nov 2014
Metagenomic Analysis of Environmental Water Samples with the NextSeq™ 500 System - Illumina
This application note describes how metagenomic sequencing was carried out, using the NextSeq 500 System, to characterize microbial communities in samples from a water reservoir.
The Accurate Measurement of Selenium in 12 Diverse Reference Materials Using Online Isotope Dilution with the 8800 Triple Quadrupole ICP-MS in MS/MS Mode - Agilent Technologies
This application note describes how the Agilent 8800 Triple Quadrupole ICP-MS has solved the problem of ultratrace Se measurement in variable high matrix samples.
Environmental Application Notebook: Quantitative MS - Waters
This application compendium demonstrates the suitability of Waters’ range of Xevo mass spectrometers for a number of environmental applications, including dioxin analysis, pesticides and pharmaceuticals in water samples.
Optimize ICP-MS and LC-MS/MS Environmental Analysis by Choosing the Right Source of High Purity Water - EMD Millipore
This application note highlights the importance of high purity water in environmental laboratories for measuring trace levels of elements by ICP-MS and very low levels of polar compounds (hormones, pesticides) by LC-MS/MS.
Laser/Desorption Ionization FT-ICR Mass Spectrometry as a Tool for Statistical Analysis of Crude Oils - Bruker
In this application note, laser/desorption ionization FT-ICR (LDI-FT-ICR) mass spectrometry measurements provide the reproducibility required for efficient principle component analysis (PCA) characterization of crude oils.