The Most Popular FT-IR Application Notes This Month
30 Nov 2014
Read the most popular FT-IR application notes this month and discover how FT-IR is used to detect food fraud in olive oil. Learn how FT-IR enables quick, non-destructive analysis of samples in forensic and crime laboratories, and how an ATR accessory allows for fast analysis of drugs of abuse.
Advantages of Adulterant Screen for Detection of Olive Oil Adulteration by Attenuated Total Reflectance (ATR) FT-IR - PerkinElmer
Troubleshooting and Quality Control of Polymers Using Micro-ATR FTIR Chemical Imaging - Agilent Technologies
Analysis of Drugs of Abuse Using Specac's Golden Gate ATR Accessory - Specac
Quantification and Identification of Various Sugars in Maple Syrup by MID FTIR Spectroscopy - Shimadzu
FT-IR Microspectroscopy in Forensic and Crime Lab Analysis - Thermo Fisher Scientific
Laser/Desorption Ionization FT-ICR Mass Spectrometry as a Tool for Statistical Analysis of Crude Oils - Bruker Daltonics
InnoScan® 710IR Infrared Detection for Optimal Scan of Nitrocellulose-Based Protein Arrays - Innopsys