Recent Innovations in Raman Spectroscopy
30 Jan 2015
Lois Manton-O'Byrne, PhD
Executive Editor
Discover recent advances in Raman spectroscopy, such as a new approach to imaging, revolutionary handheld devices, and a novel method for detecting counterfeit whisky.
- Article: Is Your Scotch Whisky Counterfeit? – An Interview with Professor Dholakia
- Metrohm Introduces New Handheld Raman Spectrometers with Revolutionary ORS Technology
- Video: New Approach to Raman Imaging - Thermo Scientific
- Guidance on the use of Automated Imaging for Agglomerate Detection - Malvern Instruments
- TacticID-GP Used for Department of Defense Simulations - B&W Tek
- Innova-IRIS Uniquely Addresses Challenging TERS Research - Bruker
- World’s First Customizable Handheld Raman Analyzer for Accurate and Comprehensive Raw Material - Rigaku
- Enhanced Capabilities Include Full 3D Volume Display for Raman Spectroscopy - HORIBA Scientific
- Zetasizer Helix Combines Dynamic Light Scattering and Raman Spectroscopy for Advanced Protein Structure Analysis - Malvern Instruments
- New Software Provides Uncompromising Performance, Speed, and Usability for Raman, AFM, and SNOM - WITec GmbH