Optimize Your Pesticide Detection and Quantitation
Discover the latest products and methods for the analysis of pesticides
5 Nov 2016

Discover the latest products and methods for the analysis of pesticides
1. WEBINAR: Simultaneous Quantitative Determination and Screening of Pesticides using LC-Q-Orbitrap-MS
Pesticide residue analysis is challenging, as there are many substances (>500) to test for; some of which are nearly always present, and some of which are found very infrequently. Scientists have two analytical requirements: quantifying known associated pesticides using analytical quality control (AQC), and screening for any additional pesticides. Learn how to overcome these challenges by watching the webinar on-demand or reading the highlights of the Q&A session.
2. VIDEO: Elevate Your LC/MS to New Heights of Sensitivity and Productivity
Agilent delivers a new level of confidence with the 6400 series Triple Quadrupole LC/MS. Ideal for quantifying drug metabolites, food contaminants or pesticides, the 6400 series allows you to detect trace level organic compounds in complex matrices. Bring unprecedented sensitivity, accuracy, reproducibility and productivity to your laboratory. Watch video.
3. APPLCATION NOTE: Enantioselective Resolution and Analysis of Chiral Pesticides in Formulations by Ultra Performance Convergence Chromatography (UPC2) with UV Detection
The study of chiral compounds has been a challenge due to the difficulty in resolving the stereoisomers. Convergence chromatography is a complimentary separation technique to liquid chromatography, providing orthogonal selectivity using supercritical CO2 as the primary mobile phase. This application note demonstrates the enantiomeric and/or diastereomeric resolutions of two pesticides, metalaxyl-M (a phenylamide fungicide) and S-metolachlor (acetanilide class of herbicides), and their analyses in aqueous-based pesticide formulations. Download method.
4. APPLICATION NOTE: Polyurethane Foam as an Effective Adsorbent for Pesticides in Air (GC Analysis)
Increasing concern over the presence of pesticides in indoor and ambient air has led to the use of polyurethane foam (PUF) as a lightweight, easy-to-use sampling material for these semi-volatile compounds. Cylindrical PUF plugs of appropriate density effectively trap contaminants without creating excessive back pressure. In this application note, background and pesticide recovery from cleaned and un-cleaned PUF plugs were compared, to verify that cleaning procedures do not alter the performance of the plugs. Download method.
5. PRODUCT: Start-to-Finish Workflows Designed to Increase Productivity for Pesticide Residue Testing
Food monitoring and testing laboratories can streamline workflows and add new analytical capabilities for pesticide analysis using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) solutions designed to optimize start-up time, reduce costs and address evolving customer and industry demands. Read more.
6. VIDEO: An Automated SPE Technique for the Analysis of Multiple Organochlorine Pesticide Residues from Wine
Watch this video to see how the Horizon Technology SmartPrep Extractor was used to develop an automated SPE method for the extraction of 20 organochlorine pesticides from wine samples. Watch video.
7. PRODUCT: Shimadzu’s GCMS Smart Database Series Simplifies GC-MS/MS Method Development
Shimadzu Scientific Instruments has announced the release of its new GCMS Smart Database Series. The series is comprised of separate databases for analyzing pesticides, forensic toxicological substances, metabolites and environmental pollutants. Hundreds of related compounds with optimized transitions and collision energies, CAS registry numbers and retention indices (RI) are included within each database. The software series eliminates the need to configure complicated analysis conditions, as simultaneous high-sensitivity analysis of samples using GC-MS/MS is supported. Read more.
8. APPLICATION NOTE: Determination of Pesticide Residue in Food of Plant Origin by an Automated QuEChERS Solution
The study in this application note used laboratory spiked samples, and samples previously shown to have incurred residues, to validate the performance of implementing QuEChERS on a fully automated system for pesticides amenable to analysis by UHPLC-MS/MS. Download method.
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